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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
for Hoxton:

Just cuz you're not able to do it, doesn't mean others are cheater :P
Maybe here its not that difficult
i remember enrolling there in
All it took was 4-6 seconds for the shifts to get full
Doing it thrice would be impossible in that span
as u need 2-3 seconds to put the code
copy paste can be used only once
and the next time u enroll, u will have lost the first 2-3 seconds as it waits for exactly an hour.. So there is that..
for Niranjan:
I agree with that.
Doing it 2 times here is easy.
But 3 times needs luck as you need an easy code that is suitable to your mind so that your fingers can run fast
Well believe it or not I have seen a few times(during the most inactive hours) it took 90 sec or so to fill it. This includes me as well, so if I hadn't enrolled it would have taken longer.
Well believe it or not I have seen a few times(during the most inactive hours) it took 90 sec or so to fill it. This includes me as well, so if I hadn't enrolled it would have taken longer.

Same here bro
Dunno, how to beat dwarves as elf-charmer. Really dunno.
sold around 50 steel already 28 more to go
oh yea B-)
Pew, pew, peeeew.
Had some problems with the Internet provider, so I spent them days playing HoMM V meanwhile instead.
sold around 50 steel already 28 more to go

Trying from this? If not, you should, definitely helps.

so I spent them days playing HoMM V meanwhile instead.
I like that game :D
you wait 1 year for Chritmas
& all you get is a choice between 4k gold & 20 fsp points
its not worth it :(
it should be atleast 200fsp
hey guys
hey guys

Hello :)
when I do CG,
I get about 80-100 fsp points in 1 day
so what is 20 fsp for a level 16
They must understand this
I don't wanna have this next year too!! :(

for BooBunny:
i have a 100k +
now i can gamble away till i get full dwarf castle
i can get master spearmen/patz
do my CG thingy :D

important decision
What's more fun?
winning in roulette obv..
but that is not a sure thing :D
I wanna play as dwarf but that will take a WHILE if i go by enrolling method
& longer if i do CG now
so its a tough decision :P
Trying from this? If not, you should, definitely helps.

actually, my location is perfect for camping
easy to buy weapons that i need & to sell away the stupid steel
that i bought because of a miss click via phone
11 more to go
Merry Christmas!! :)
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