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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
wow no posts
I can't post anything, i'm in 2014 still :O
gambling time :)
i am playing cautiously & winning small bets on straight ups
was pretty confident about these numbers still
guess i gotta appreciate the win :D
1,250NiranjanStraight up 2845,000
small bet again :O
750NiranjanNumbers 0, 00, 29,000
750NiranjanSplit 0, 113,500
still pushing
got a 100k
then started betting heavy
its getting tough now :D
i bet on 10 every time for the past 15-20 bets
& one time i don't bet on it
cuz i went all in on 28
tadaa its 10 :(
Last spin time: 10:50:00

Ball landed on 18

Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
1,000NiranjanStraight up 100
1,500NiranjanStraight up 280
1,500NiranjanStreet 22-240
1,500NiranjanSplit 0, 000
2,500NiranjanStreet 10-120
8,000NiranjanCorner 13, 14, 16, 170

Last spin time: 11:00:00

Ball landed on 31

Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
8,000NiranjanStraight up 280
1,500NiranjanCorner 13, 14, 16, 170
1,750NiranjanStraight up 100

Last spin time: 11:10:00

Ball landed on 10

Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
12,000NiranjanStraight up 280
now i don't have money to play..
i feel its time for 28 to finally show up :| :|
hello 17
as you can it was also one of the numbers :P
where is 28
0,00,1, 24,14 what will it be ?
man this is is just heights of bad luck
do check the time stamp






i would have become a freaking millionaire
almost every number came up now
only 0 & 28 left for the final burn!!
for Niranjan:

I understand how you feel bro
no more burns ..
for Awesome 13:
i doubt it bro

I am quite accustomed to it
the worst was when I tried placing a 10k bet on 00
but the roulette started spinning
I was late just by a couple of seconds so my bet wasn't accepted
& the number that came up was 00

This has happened to me twice & the number was 00 both the times :P
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