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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
So much hate
Hate for someone who just costantly brake the rules of an online game, why?
That is a strong feeling to have, I find this loop funny. :P
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // As Requested.]
I doubt this classifies as hatred rather its just a sign of dislike and disrespect from our zealous worker.
What did you end up cooking, VV?
heh, just chickened out.
Fried chicken thighs, made them extra spicy just how my sister loves it. Rice made in cooker which i fried into a sort of pilaf with a lot of veggies added in.

Finally the hard part was to get a proper curry to impress my parents. I used a variety of items to give it flavor, but main heroes were paneer (its like cottage cheese but this one was a bit hard to find) and coconut milk. In the end it turned out to be thick which is not so bad considering that i had no flatbread to serve with.
For VV : nomnomnom :3
whos still not used their 30 battles on the arts?

I am stil at 20/30. Guess it was a mistake to pick mage set.
Yeah, I used it on the various things like AG and treasure battles.
I have a load of durability for the necklace item, other than that they will get used. USed them for treasure battles as they used up lots of my inventory space so wanted to get rid of them fairly quickly.
for Lord MilesTeg:
I just added a light axe on the enchanted neck and did hunts/ MG
I have my enchanted weapons remaining. No clue where to use it.
I used mine in TG
for Meshy:
Oh I thought enchanted weapons don't work in TG.
It worked :O thanks mesh!
whoa good idea. Forgot TG existed.
Desmond Llewelyn or John de Lancie?
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