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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Its so windy today in austin :D
My first draw

I thought the one that delivered the killing blow got the win
Nope. When it's a draw, everyone loses
everyone loses

The glass is always half empty
Mostly empty if you count the spaces between atoms
Haha, nice try but if you assume a theoretical scenario where the spaces between atoms of glass were able to be occupied by the atoms the liquid water- without changing the property of glass- then in reality you would still have a glass half situation. The drop in water level would be non-measurable unless we have a very tube like tall glass with a tiny diameter.
define emptiness?

It is always filled with something, whether it is air or water.

If you sent that glass through the void of space is it possible for it to be filled with darkness and filled by a vacuum?

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."
Mixing physics and philosophy there, that's bad idea :p

Light is a form of energy and darkness is simply the absence of it - darkness is not an individual entity so you cannot say that darkness "got there first" (or make it a competition). It is the light energy which has to reach a place to illuminate it, where as darkness will be present by default where the light cannot reach.

Yes i know you were just quoting something some guy said, but i personally think its a bad idea to ignite scientific curiosity only to hamper it like that - the end result is something that sounds pretty but is ultimately counterproductive.
Darkness doesn't mean the absence of light, just the visible stuff. We think of it as somehow more special if we can detect it with our eyes.

Indeed a volume of space could be filled with light and is not seen if none of it was heading towards the eyes. Therefore to what extent can light really fill a room, since it itself results in no additional increase in pressure?
True that, darkness can exist where you cannot see; similarly, there can be light where you perceive darkness because the place may not be devoid of light completely rather simply below our detection capacity. It is already known that our species has certain thresholds for detection, and there are always subliminal features that will inevitably escape humans despite a 100% focus. But think about it, if we were to make sense of the world in absolute terms outside of the context of human capacity - it is not illogical to say that what we define as "darkness" or true darkness would be only possible in the absence of light.
But think about it, if we were to make sense of the world in absolute terms outside of the context of human capacity - it is not illogical to say that what we define as "darkness" or true darkness would be only possible in the absence of light.

This cannot be true, because theoretical physics would break down. An easy to understand example is that of a black hole. Black holes have abundant electromagnetic radiation but strong gravitation prevents light from escaping (intuitively, it is not hard to think about, imagine Earth with escape velocity that is orders of magnitude larger, light will not be able to escape as well).

Darkness is not bright or luminous but darkness can encompass a significant amount of light energy. An example closer to home is an air raid shelter. To the aircraft pilot, it is dark. But all air raid shelters have luminous sources for survival.
darkness is a gradient of visible light, so called to provide somparison with an absolute definition of dark. However, dark, as perceived by human eyesight is not devoid of visible light, let alone other frequencies of the EM spectrum. As such we are talking about absolute dark (not sure if it has been coined before, but if not I claim it). Absolute dark is a situation where a volume of space cannot get any darker. Given that one can "see" with any spectrum of EM light, then it must have none going through it whatsoever. IT is the light equivalent of absolute zero.

I think it good to try and approach the same thing from different perspectives, it challenges one perspective, which all too easily becomes rigid and prone to dismissing ideas off hand without due regard.

For instance things do not get cold because the warmth escapes, but because the coolth penetrates into it. After all the default position of the universe is cold emptiness.
for virtual_vitrea:
My first draw


Damn, that was interesting!
for Lord MilesTeg:

What i am trying to get at is that darkness has no intrinsic meaning (not an entity of its own). So saying that "darkness got there first, and is waiting for it" is just scientifically wrong. There is no need to complicate it with the non-visible spectrum of light.
For instance things do not get cold because the warmth escapes, but because the coolth penetrates into it.

Please explain this. I have never heard of coolth before.
Re that quote it is from Terry Pratchett who was a comedy fiction writer. It is meant to be obviously incorrect and contrary, and from that juxtaposition gain some amusement.

He does a lot of play on words and forcing you to re-evaluate things that you would not normally do. Much of his things are set within a fictional fantasy world called discworld, where things do not work quite exactly the same. As such that quote is from a wizard I think from that world.

Another similar type thing that I liked to highlight the point of re-evaluating the same sort of thing as a play on words

'I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet!’ he hissed. ‘I’m afraid of grounds!’
‘You mean heights,’ said Conina. ‘And stop being silly.’
‘I know what I mean! It’s the grounds that kill you.'
Who travels without internet though?

You won't have internet at most transports in Greece. And even places. :D
Who travels without internet though?

Also the boats in Thailand
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