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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Hey everyone :)

for DetherocEvil:
Even I remember

Moonstone used to be around 8-9k.
funny thing, I am selling all my elements right now
I had lots of resources :P

ok betting on 24 again and again
let's see when it comes up this time :D
There are so many old people coming back that i fear that we may be banned for archaeological excavation.
Hopefully TheShaman,misself and Decrous come back as well
Imperial amulet: 8
Imperial armour: 7
Imperial helmet: 1
Imperial arbalest: 5

How do I sell these? :P
Hopefully jedi and arctic get back too
How do I sell these? :P

I am gonna kill 24 urghhhh
Last spin time: 16:05:00

Ball landed on 31
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
11,645NiranjanStraight up 240

Last spin time: 16:00:00

Ball landed on 5
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
16,000NiranjanStraight up 240

Last spin time: 15:55:00

Ball landed on 5
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
16,000NiranjanStraight up 240

Last spin time: 15:50:00

Ball landed on 3
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
16,000NiranjanStraight up 240

Last spin time: 15:45:00

Ball landed on 14
Your stakes:
StakePlayerBet onWinnings
16,000NiranjanStraight up 240

& there are more goes on forever
Last spin time: 16:05:00

ONE time I miss because of some important work
I lost track of time Oh my God

Last spin time: 16:10:00

Ball landed on 24
I am gonna kill 24 urghhhh
I suspect 24 will kill you first :D
I suspect 24 will kill you first :D

Ohh it did
I have less than 40k now
If I spent it and 24 didn't come, I was cool with it
that was the plan
but THIS, urgh :(
I am gonna play roulette till it goes to 0 or 1mil+

I was seriously ok with 0 too
just needed 1 mil+ to be motivated to play the game again
getting me?

but this torture
Last spin time: 16:10:00

Ball landed on 24

I missed ONCE in like 20-25 spins
I will for this spin to get over
then I will bet on 4 three times
16k straight up
doesn't look like a very good day :P
let's see.
It is time for a good-bye
The game & roulette has been very kind to me
whenever I really needed them to be

This has been the best part of the game though
The flooding community
Thank you for everything

I guess I was just trying to find motivation to keep playing but
it is time I leave.
Hope you all have better luck in roulette, in battles & in real life
See you, Happy Gaming :)
Going to miss you Niranjan.
Had so much fun back then :)
Was kinda happy that you returned but I guess that was short lived..

Best of Luck in everything that you do!
Have a fun filled satisfying life :D

Love ya
that was some filler episode
Aw man. Bye
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