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Author[NEWS] balancing update
buffing paladin and miliant set = buff for knights?

How is it going to help them?
Full Nature Fire Wall UN got a talent a little bit like BW Fireball Armor Burn :P

Magic UNs got buffed a lot now apparently.

But Melee UNs got the decrease in Offence and Luck Talent Costs, so its OK for both.

Can you guys point me why is this news good for UN?
That HP reduction is very big nerf... for example, even after 1st raise, dreads hp will be down to 32.

But yes, this is true.

psen is having an orgasm of his life right now (pls dont ban me)
Thinking slowly though, the fact that HP gets reduced a lot after every Raise now, may Punish these UN Magicians (Like me) who AFK in corner with Ghouls and Fire Wall.
The Ghoul will lose all HP almost very fast.
nonsense. This UN is legit strong. The stupid atb manipulation with raising is nothing like anything i have seen in the game, you want to keep the same old UN go for it. It is much stronger and fun now.
With the ini bonus - each raise effectively gives you a hit with a full strength stack that you cannot defend against. Eg you can suicide your dreadbanes on your first turn being right in the enemy lines. Sure it dies, but then you can raise it to full health, it will get an almost immediate turn to hit something new. What this means if you are against shooter based armies is either they advance to stand on the dead troops, potentially exposing their shooters, or else stay back to keep shooters blocked in, whereby you cannot prevent them raising much. Either which way, preventing being ground out depends on how well you can maintain your hp. Shadow barb and tribal may laugh for all of their cheap spirit, other factions I think will struggle unless they can manage a quick KO.

This being said I think some builds may not be very strong, a quick raise build focusing on sufficient attack to be nasty and just enough defence to not be wiped out instantly really easily is going to work well enough.
^this and there's no way to stop ghosts from stealing your shots. Just raise them and steal instantly even if the enemy manages to kill a decent amount. It so unpredictable when you add demiliches to the equation too. Feels nothing like the UN we're accustomed to, which won its battles after tremendous hard work - attacking, raising, spellcasting, running or defending, etc.. Now it can go for non-stop offense :)
The games are unplayable if you meet UN. Yeah the battles are not so long as before but this is the only posisitive. You are dead after few turns... The ini boost can give also demiliches.
Now the UN do not use talent points for nature magic but for offense and luck talents. The raising is used just for ini boost. It's just a bad joke if 12 miracle dragons with off talents playing 2 times more...
I'm all for this change.
It opens up possibilities of a completely new type of psychological battle.
Ofc though, haven't actually played much recently to check the changes.

Anything to breathe new life into the amount of thinking that goes into strategizing against different factions and builds is always highly appreciated by me.

Especially when the one being changed is my main faction.

Though, then again i'd have to say if i played for winning all the time then i'd go for dwarf for its almost perfect versatility for all situations but i choose necromancer for the concept behind it which i just adore.
Sorry for vulgarities in my previous posts btw.
I talk like that for fun sometimes in LWM only, no idea why.

btw bad thing about this is that many players who despised UN will play it now.
I mean, we're all free to play what we want to, but meh ...
Good approaches btw.
demilich also gives "fervo/inspire"" thing? Wow

From what I'm reading, melee UN might be better than magic still?
44# Sorry right. I tried it in WG so far and seems "Potentially Imba".
Let's wait and see, time will tell.

The free enhanced "knight Fervor" on raise is strong.
Nah, i'm sure they came up with the number 50+3*FSL through very careful consideration and relentless test cases.
I vote for this not getting changed.
There aren't enough Necromancer players anyways.
i don't understand why change the lodestone golems. It was the only troop good against magic users, and it was only good at that..
This is ok for solo play or 1 vs 1, but this will make group battles unplayable since this will become the side that always wins. The admins did not think about that it seems.
Mark of nature is really powerfull...it works like having a 4x10 weapon
But removing hero ini boost and decreased hp AND raise dead spell boost for just increased ini of the raised unit really hurts and a few more troops does not cut it
Mark of nature is really powerfull...it works like having a 4x10 weapon

But removing hero ini boost and decreased hp AND raise dead spell boost for just increased ini of the raised unit really hurts and a few more troops does not cut it

Without hero bump it's hard to get actually to punch and raise, and since raise now goes with ATB shift it's just better to raise.

I find the troop bumping more fun than hero shift on ATB but I recon recruit increase is low, HP penalty from raise is steep, offense/luck talents still expensive and overall full might UN army is weaker than a typical might faction so it's not like letting UN have decent might talents will break it.
Troops shift works with demilich raise aswell, so punching with hero and shift from demilich can be done as well.
And i think, full might UN with offense and luck branch will suit better.
I find the troop bumping more fun than hero shift on ATB but I recon recruit increase is low, HP penalty from raise is steep

Can't rely on troop bump because each time they have much less hp and have to wait a whole turn to raise again unless you sacrifice usefull talents for sorcery.
this new un has low surviveabilty compared to old one

Troops shift works with demilich raise aswell

very bad idea to raise with demilich because = huge hp decrease
very bad idea to raise with demilich because = huge hp decrease
Its now same decrease as of hero's.
Hero's racial reduction of HP is now reduced.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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