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Author[Event] Freight Delivery
Since the first stone of the imperial prison on the Eastern Island was laid, it's been a long time. These coastal walls had time to see much and experience as much. At the same time, they not only managed to resist, but also continued to grow. What once was a modest fort, has now become an unassailable coastal fortress - a real pride of the Empire! But along with the growth of the prison walls, rumors of the "true" purpose of such impressive dimensions of the structure also grew. After all, really, where in the vast Empire are there so many criminals that ships with them leave from its banks almost every day? It's clearly something else. What kind of madness was not invented for a mug of ale in port taverns ... And if most of the assumptions no one thought to take seriously, then one of the versions still seemed very interesting. Not that she was much more plausible than all others, but nevertheless could clarify the pirates' unhealthy interest in this place. Without a doubt, it was about gold. And not just about gold, but about the imperial treasury, part of which was allegedly secretly taken to the East Island and locked in a secret vault that is not found on any of the prison plans. It would seem, another insane invention, but pirates are used to chasing and for more ephemeral prey, so this story might seem quite real to them. And given the recent wave of successful raids, without doubt, giving the marauding robbers even more self-confidence, the next blockade of the Eastern Island was only a matter of time.

Heroes! Large pirate forces once again dared to attack the prison fortress of the Eastern Island. To prevent rebellion or escaping prisoners, it is necessary to break through the environment and deliver to the island the materials necessary for the restoration of the fortress.

All heroes from the 3rd battle level can go to the Port City to take part in the restoration of the island fortress and the battles with the besieging pirates. Fights with pirates take place in the format 1 to 1.

Economy and ships

1) For each ton of transported resources, the Hero receives 1 unit. silver;
2) For silver imperial workshops are ready to improve guns on the existing ship or to sell a new, more spacious and possessing a large number of ship guns;
3) The ships have strength, every trip to the East Island reduces it by one. It should be closely monitored and changed in time to a more advanced ship;
4) The more tons of materials for construction are transported by the Hero, the stronger the army of the attacking pirate;
5) The ship has restrictions on the minimum and maximum load of goods. The Empire values ​​its fleet and does not release ships from the harbor without a minimum allowable load;
6) Upon loss, the Hero loses 80% of the cargo on board;
7) Prices for buying up goods on the island change at the beginning of each hour;
8) The parameters of the guns depend on their improvements and the level of the Hero, but now they do not depend on the Hero's parameters.


1) A personal ship waits for each hero in the Port City;
2) The transportation of cargo will be carried out for six days, until June 25 (+2 days for the end of the bouts, until June 27 inclusive);
3) To exclude the risk of capturing valuable elements by pirates, the modifiers do NOT work in battles. Any artifacts are allowed;
4) The Empire will generously reward the heroes who brought the most tons of goods to the island;
5) On the day you can leave the port no more than 14 times, unused attempts to deliver the goods are carried over the next day (Maximum deliveries: 84);
6) When defeating pirates, there is a chance to get creature artifacts.

In addition, the personal success of each Hero will be further encouraged by parts of a special artifact:

for 10 wins: +1 part;
for 20 wins: +3 parts;
for 30 wins: +4 parts;
for 40 wins: +5 parts;
for 55 wins: +8 parts;

as well as up to 30 parts according to the results of the award taking in
as well as up to 30 parts according to the results of the award taking in*to account the personal contribution of each Hero.
Hmm... without any art limitations.

Eh, will just take pirate and use shop arts to get helmet pieces.
Just checked .ru, I think it's shop arts only again
Only shop artifacts are allowed aboard.
This was one of the few events with ffa artifacts as i know, is not right ?
Yeah, previous iterations of this event was any arts without enchant
Guys is it worth upgrading cannons?
for chikish:
I find it barely does any damage compared to troops early on but that might change on higher delivery weights when they opponent has a lot more troops than our own troops can deal with.
Is upgrading my ship now really worth it? I have enough silver but i still have 8/12 durability on my lvl 1 ship. So better wait for durability to get over or upgrade it now?
for Expert_BOT:
I upgraded my ships as soon as I could. I can now buy a lvl 4 ship after 14 wins.
I was using cheaper arts but was always packing 5t short of cargo for safety.
what do people consider to be the best factions against pirates.....i would think ranged attacks that get a turn before the pirate shooters would be good?
Elves and their shooters guild should be ok. I am using tribal with centaur and had no problems so far.
Dwarves are good I think (no surprises there though I guess) Will differ for levels

Cannons generally are easier to kill now (not got hero stats added) as such easier to get a ranged advantage.
I've only ever farmed this event before, trying to be a touch more competitive this time

Hauls: 14
Freight delivered: 830.00 t.
Profit: 2,350 g.

Did the first two boats with full load, the third I took 5 tonnes less, but won the battles comfortably for most. As such I think you could do them with 80 with good arts and good character development. If you did this you could get to the next boat in one less battle. which would then put you a chunk farther forward overall.

Therefore if you intend to be competitive, you probably should, I think I will have lost ground already as a result of not doing it (gives a 50 or so tonne benefit if all won)
Hauls: 14
Freight delivered: 890.00 t.
Profit: 2,646 g.
There you go, a 60T advantage, good work Ricard :)
so are we saying to max the durability of each ship and upgrade canons is not preferable to upgrading ships as fast as possible and being able to carry the bigger loads?
Can anyone explain what is durability and damage level of cannons?
I think it is feasible (and Ricard demonstrated that it is) to get to your 4th boat on the first day with max load and no cannon upgrade. You may be able to afford one or two cannon upgrades and still hit 4th boat on your 13th battle (I have not worked out the numbers precisely as cannot remember the boat costs.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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