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Author5th Team blindfold tournament plus
(Sorry for Spam Btw, but Hyped much)

Btw, I'll honestly feel very "Happy n Proud" about ".Com" if we get many Medals.
Welp I get a bronze that's something right lol
I think they changed the AI just for these battles :D I all ways see either a defensive, chaos or hybrid enemy :D what I never see is full offensive enemy... getting a tad boring for me. Thank God for those mirrors :D
Well I did face offensive AIs, and once AI with poor stats which i thought could be real player but turned out to be AI at end; but yes mostly i get defensive AIs.
what I mean to beat other human player is not by rushing to kill him right away.
I just make sure I am last priority target of all 4 AI then sit back and go with the flow (lightly attacking the one who get targeted first by others, so the revenge mechanic doesn't kick in). oh the other human want to attack my troops? try to punch trough my def build while pounded by AI units in the process.

exception if some smarties cast 10x mass disruption ray on me.
I feel the prizes are too less for this event though...
Almost everyone gonna get a gold , and the prize lot toooo low
^ Yes, I was thinking about it too.
Let's see what happens ...

Either way, with 50-70k gold, and the "fulfillment/glory", I'm more than Happy ... :P
Also, we gotta consider that we get CG points aswell, so awesome too.
for Ipsen:
Was on 8/9 with 42 points. Decided that this is to easy and not interesting.
Alright I change my mind and agree Tribals are now OP.

In this battle I could see the Tribal was gathering mana for lategame nukes and there was nothing I could do about it.

whenever i saw a tribal i disrupted him from start. cyclops with meteor and then by shooting shaman.
the ai will help you as soon the shaman lost their spirit and def.
to trigger the attack from ai, dont defend, just attack an unimportant ai-creature and the cascade will begin...
i finished with 96/100 points as shadow barb.

good luck for you
In the end game the ai I think no longer pursues a win if it is not likely, instead it will go for the highest finish. As such it will potentially ignore an enemy with more hp even if it is attacking them. As such make sure you are ahead of your human counterpart at all times and they should get focused by ai.
Absolutely loving this tourney

In the end game the ai I think no longer pursues a win if it is not likely, instead it will go for the highest finish. As such it will potentially ignore an enemy with more hp even if it is attacking them. As such make sure you are ahead of your human counterpart at all times and they should get focused by ai.

It does go after whatever is at range though, so it's possible to send a suicide squad to lure a big guardian stack to the ennemy nest and have an evil laugher while runing away with some other stack.
Played just 5-6 fights by myself and rest were auto battles.
Battle count: 20+ (20) Points: 90

got a gold :)
3 month away
coming here i see nothing new.what a shame
bye for next 6 month
My god, pfff ...
Sometimes some enemies would target you whole battle, from the beginning, till the end.
Even if there are other enemies in between, or others directly attacking him.
They'd go till the end of the world, to chase you down ...

and the "ally" won't peel for ya ;((
Almost everyone gonna get a gold
are you sure?
155# Ye I do that too.
I honestly think LWM is the kind of game you play often, then take a long break, then come back, etc.
They could do it with all 6 players being "real" maybe.
They could do it with all 6 players being "real" maybe.

and waste time of 5 players if 6n-1 players joined tournament
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