Author | Leaders Guild |
Forgot to add Modern golems in the above list :p |
for Expert_BOT:
i have modern golem but they are yellow,just a color,,,will it do for you? :P |
for Lord selfist:
somehow the game knows and I get a lot of fast moving melee units as the enemy
once cleared your 4, change your army setup to all shooters. maybe then your chance to get a suitable one for your usual slow melee army increase ;)
I'm too lazy to change troops that often :))) |
for Fallen Atheros:
I think i found them in last event and also tried using in GL battle but unfortunately they were not as good as i expected them to be :(
Their price is not bad and could be decent unit for those who don't have better options in their reserves. |
for Expert_BOT:
I saw your guild level and was like whoa.. amazing..! But then after i decided to watch one of your battles it was honestly disappointing. The troops you are using dont have anything interesting.. despite having progressed that far ahead you are still playing with zombies lol.. I mean it makes me question if its even worth spending the time to enter battle and press auto.
I wanted to ask why are you doing this? Is this fun to you or just another one of your daily chores crunching guild numbers.. I cannot decide if i should continue myself. I just hate wasting time on a weakling army after having reached a point where i can control any faction at my level. The difference is too ridiculous. I guess i expected something way better with higher leadership limits. |
for virtual_vitrea:
First of all i would like to clear one thing that everyday i do 3 WG battles and GL battles only so that gives me like 1 unit in 2 days. No CG or mg or hg or any other battles (i have my reasons for that and i'm not even planning to do those unless i reach CL 16 or there is some special day or there is ST week) so don't compare me with other LeG 8 monsters who do like 50 battles and get 10 different units everyday. I never had luxury like those players who can choose some 4-5 good units from their 300 unit pool and form a strong army. So back then i had 2 options in front of me which were -
1) Keep whining about not having good units compared my gl players
2) Try to think of few decent strategies with those limited units which are available in my reserve pool and make it strong enough to clear 1.5 battles.
Guess what i decided to go with 2nd option. You have no idea how hard it is to build a decent army while maintaining your camping mode.
Secondly i keep on doing small changes in my army depending on enemy, Changes in Leadership cost and ofc my mood. If i get bored with some units then i try replacing them.
This was my army few days ago which consisted 7 different units.
I kept doing few changes in that by adding Air elementals or Earth elementals or High druids or turncoat mages or some more units depending on situation. Just like that i tried building many possible armies till now. Some worked well and some failed miserably but nvm that was part of experimentation.
So if you ask me why i do these battles then my answer would be to try different units and test their limits. It is fun for me despite of the fact that it drains some gold in every fight but having high GL level gives me slight more advantage in GL events which results in less defeats in it and further help me to cover up the gold which i lost in normal battles. |
Thanks for your reply. I did want to know what was driving you to do this everyday for so long :D |
I just discovered that if I win a battle while wearing no art (i.e. MG brigand battle), it doesn't count for LeG. I guess they really take the arts-lose-durability requirement literally. :( |
The statement regarding this is pretty explicit. Why wouldn't it be taken literally? |
The statement regarding this is pretty explicit. Why wouldn't it be taken literally?
<sigh> |
sorry ;) |
1p battle are even hard now losing 900 gold each time |
:O |
for Fallen Atheros:
1p battle are even hard now losing 900 gold each time
Birds cost too much?
Maybe you should use vamps or some low cost unit instead? |
for Fallen Atheros:
I almost do auto-battles only (with max veterans and mercenary warrior, poltergeists for what’s left) and I seldom lose that much. Need to avoid abyss demons though (sacrifice is a pain against veterans).
By the way I don’t understand the criticism of LG being a boring and time-consuming autoclick guild. I mean, what to say about HG, MG and even WG from time to time? It’s not that challenging. LG events though could be very interesting in my opinion. |
can't possibly be that hard to understand. After all it is you who said you do it almost with auto option only. Also there's something called opinions which can be as many as the number of people around. |
for virtual_vitrea:
My point is that many aspects of this game is time-consuming and requires no thinking at all. Therefore I don’t see why LG in particular is subject for all this criticism. |
Well, good for you to be able to feel that way. You are playing a guild on auto mode, yet it is not seeming pointless to you. Why is that? I guess, it is because the game invented a way to make you feel rewarded with guild points and rarer creatures (and the so called epic creatures) with guild progression. But wait, you had more and better creatures in your army already! And guess what, you normally use them with no such thing as leadership cost! Leadership originally sounded like an interesting concept, but what did they make it to be? The more decent the unit is, the higher its leadership cost! Rofl, so you are gonna have so much fun sticking with zombies and other lowly tiers in the long term. You even use max veterans haha.
And another thing, some of the players are doing these auto missions for the sake of events that you say are interesting (the ones where you use the GL troops), thats the main problem. The events did not have to be favored towards high GL players, who did almost nothing but press auto more often. If they really wanted to set limitations on the troops numbers based on guild levels and leadership cap, they could have used something similar to PoT event instead of rewarding your behavior of pressing auto every 3 hours. |
instead of rewarding your behavior of pressing auto every 3 hours. Remove the stupid captcha system first uggh. |
for Majblomma:
If you like the guild then you shouldn't pay much attention to what others say or rather what they think about the guild. Regarding the usage of auto button, i think if you are more comfortable with it then there is no harm in using that feature. It's true that admins have provided the auto button for these battles but that doesn't mean everybody plays on auto (Atleast not me). In my case till date i have done each and every battle manually because i like playing them and i don't care much about what haters think about it :D |