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Waiting for high LeG levels
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Can someone share the link again, where all unit cost changes are reviewed?
Haha, the harpooners have again jumped hugely in leadership cost, it's at 1301 now. While the trolls gained from last LG event is at 1066, so according to the admins this means 5 harpooners hold even more weight than 6 trolls, awesome logic.
Oops, trolls are 1088 now, getting slightly increased every few hours it seems.
for Aurelija:
Harpooner cost dropped to 600, it seems they heard you, Lawton :D
Harpooner cost dropped to 600

This is really interesting as I think may give a suggestion as to how the dynamic balancing is working. Obviously they may put in manual edits and so it could be related to that. Alternatively it could be something else.

Yesterday I noticed that the price of harpooners went up, this meant I could exchange them. less than 12 hours later the price has halved.

Did many other people exchange harpooners yesterday when the price went up? If so perhaps this is part of what is used to decrease the price. If not I guess it is more likely to be a manual edit.
Harpooner cost dropped to 600, it seems they heard you, Lawton :D

They've nerfed their ability in return, now it works iff number of harpooners is not greater than the size of the target stack.
now it works iff number of harpooners is not greater than the size of the target stack.
*not less ofc
I exchanged them yesterday and have only 4 left, since 5 was max what I could bring. But since their ability has been nerfed they have become useless anyway, their cost with this nerf is still way too high.
They've nerfed their ability in return, now it works iff number of harpooners is not greater than the size of the target stack.

I support this change completely.
I support this change completely.

Absolutely, but ... I wonder if this will delay the release of alt dwarf a bit, since I assume they will have to take another look at balancing.
for Omar Contreras:
Absolutely, but ... I wonder if this will delay the release of alt dwarf a bit, since I assume they will have to take another look at balancing.

On the contrary, they could not have released an alt dwarf where 1 harpooner can pull any enemy stack. This had to be fixed and they just fixed it. So ti shows progress towards the release of the alt dwarf ;)
Yes, this change is a good indicator that preparation is underway for the release :)
they will have to take another look at balancing

LOL like they balance any other event? because they never change anything on the spot or make up stuff as they go?

Don't expect any play testing, like, at all. Alt dwarf will be broken on release like most factions have been. I still remember BW release, carrying like 40 genies at lvl13.
According to the LG experience table your chance to get uncommon, rare or epic creatures increase when levelling up. Does anyone have a clue how high (or low) this chance is? I have never got anything but common creatures.
We don't know
On the contrary, they could not have released an alt dwarf where 1 harpooner can pull any enemy stack.

I don't think this matters that much in non-LeG battles. This exists in Heroes 5, and no one ever complained about this ability being overpowered or abused. It was always considered a meh ability. The general opinion favors crippling strike / mayhem over harpoon strike / pull.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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