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What I'm tired mostly of this guild is when you use units with speed 8 how suddenly 4-5 obstacles are always placed somewhere in top 2 horizontal lines and or bottom 2 horizontal lines. After experiencing this over 80% in my battles it stopped being a coincidence. Props and extra credits to the admins for making sure only a select few can enjoy this guild, here's hoping the rest of the gaming mechanics follow suit as soon as possible.
After experiencing this over 80% in my battles it stopped being a coincidence.

Interesting... I'm not getting this at all. How many battles would you say this has occurred since?
I don't think it's that unusual for the obstacles to appear. However, the AI seems smart and positions its troops on the side with more rocks, foiling your battle plan a bit.
I'm looking at a 1.0 challenge with 54 goblin warlocks, 10 hyena riders, 12 orc tyrants, 5 ogre magis, 4 ogre magis, 2 cyclop shamans, and 2 rocs. Assuming the cyclop shamans cost around 1500 each, this is about 27K leadership points.

How is this a 1.0 challenge? I don't remember facing 5 caster stacks before.
My theory is that the leadership cost for enemy doesn't change, only us
I'm looking at a 1.0 challenge with 54 goblin warlocks, 10 hyena riders, 12 orc tyrants, 5 ogre magis, 4 ogre magis, 2 cyclop shamans, and 2 rocs. Assuming the cyclop shamans cost around 1500 each, this is about 27K leadership points.

How is this a 1.0 challenge? I don't remember facing 5 caster stacks before.

I got this and even worse for 1.5 and 2. Decided to press SKIP and see what comes next...
Earth Shamans (?!) now cost 1999 leadership

How is this even a thing
Sea priesteses are 2718. Lol they have 35 hp.
Admins are really against any kind of holy spells in LG arent they :/
Its not even that strong lol
things like stoneskin and chastise can be dramatic though because the starting stats are doubled or even tripled in some cases.
basically the cheapest buffers/ debuffers are either T1 units or genies/senior geneis :D

and even then its only worth at higher levels when you can afford to spend 2k on spare units
@virtual_vitrea, I've seen many AI have two stacks of a dozen each sea priestesses beefing up the other AI units, why is it not dramatic then? Just those 2 stacks are worth 60k leadership without counting the rest. This guild is making things very one sided and is losing its playability. The admins are really doing their best to make sure the players do not deserve anything in this guild besides losing gold.

The guild would be more fair if it was aligned to your leadership points. Like:
challenge at 1 point 1-1.5 times your leadership point for the AI troops
challenge at 1.2 point 1.5-2 times your points for the AI troops
challenge at 1.5 point 2-3 times your leadership points for the AI troops

This would make it fair and enjoyable but I guess enjoyment is getting drained out of this game.
Personally, I'd call it unfair if it became impossible to win 1.5 without donattion based troops. Till then, everything's game.
Sea priesteses are 2718. Lol they have 35 hp.

I think creatures that people use as support troops will see high costs. Ironically, the less of them you use, the more it will cost. So if you recruit just 3 of them just for their spellcasting or special abilities, then their cost will go up until you can recruit only 3 of them. I suspect that if people had maxed out their recruitment when they first became available (and use them as admins intend), the cost wouldn't go up so dramatically. But people were recruiting only one harpooner (the old one) or one skeletal legionnaire, and look where we end up.
I guess that several players got 100 rare creatures parts during the current event. What did you get? I got 16 fatso. Fat, but not funny...
Tengu. They're amazing.
I got something that didn't seem worth the cost or I already had and have since forgotten. Most frequent situation with leaders guild troop gains.
Tengu arent that good, too expensive, dies too fast, decent damage (not good).

I got sartyrs from the event and Leprechauns from the parts
I got protectors, decent but no use to me
I got royal griffins (27) from this event
Tengu arent that good, too expensive, dies too fast, decent damage (not good).
The common folk doesn't have a lot of alternatives
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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