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New Event, Fire Clan !


AuthorNew Event, Fire Clan !
We did... I don't know why have you built a perception that all the clan who don't get good rank don't do anything...

no he's stating that the difference is in the amount of members who are scoring points..
these events have a finite amount of points to be scored...
even if you have 10 people who score max scores, a clan with twice the amount of playing people would just need all of them to score half points to beat you...
for cyberclops:
From the past 2-3 LeG events this same arguments have been going. "We work hard, we get the top position. We share strat.We talk a lot yada yada"... It is very clear what he is trying to say.
Odd how I didn't say it didn't take work etc and yet people make it out to be so. Nice try to swing it towards your narrative but a huge fail there.
Here I'll repeat for the 3th time: my point is and remains that those top in LG events will keep on being the top in LG events simply by using the gained creatures from previous LG events and this will continue to be the case. The LG event is allready at a state that without those specific troops one does not even stand a chance.

@Lord MilesTeg, you completely missed my point about new players. The gained creatures is based on your AP points you use in 5 battles. You are level 17 and fully equipped would get AP of 80 orso, a new level 1 player will not, so that player will get way less creatures than you. What you will gain in creatures in a 'few' weeks would hence take the new players well over a year. It's basic mathematics.
Also the two of just one rare type you recruited was one of the creatures gained from previous LG events, thanks for proving my point.
Also the two of just one rare type you recruited was one of the creatures gained from previous LG events

Um, actually, the turncoat mages came from smugglers event, not a LeG event.


And we probably cycle back to the fact you'd also have them if you were in a more active clan where more people bothered to put effort in.
@Meshy, so you are telling us that the awards from the smugglers event had nothing to do with LG? That those awarded creatures are to be used for anything else than for LG? All creature awards are tied to LG events, don't derail it.
And again, my point is not about me, whether I have those creatures or not, or how 'active' a clan is. I guess I'll have to keep on repeating my point, so here it is again: 'top in LG events will keep on being the top in LG events simply by using the gained creatures from previous LG events and this will continue to be the case. The LG event is allready at a state that without those specific troops one does not even stand a chance.'
No, what I'm telling you is, the turncoat mages that Miles used are from the smugglers event. The scoring on the smugglers event was not based on LeG.
The issues that Lawton has raised are entirely legit and for some reason, there seems to be an unwillingness to understand them.
Here's what's new. The awards to top clans now have an individual component that they didn't have before. Players who chose to be in those top clans are awarded. Put otherwise, players who chose to not go to the best clans now actively suffer in their character development. This is the problem.
Why do so many competetive clans exist in the first place. It's because strong players (who could have chosen to be in a top clan anyway), chose to stay in the weaker clans and help make it strong, either due to a pleasure they got in supporting the underdog or love for the people there. They could do so, because they knew that this move to a weaker clan would not do any lasting harm. They'd miss out on defenses and access to depo but that's about it.

That has changed now. A strong player in a weaker clan now have a very strong disincentive to being there. If they know that they can go to top clans (who are more than willing to accept them), they will. What happens to the weaker clans now?
Much of thier foundation rested on the strong players who are now leaving. They will crumble.

Soon, you'll be left with most strong players concentrated in a lesser number of clans. This is what I have trouble with. There aren't enough active players in the game, and once you force them all into a few clans, the game will start looking much smaller than it is. Those are my 2 cents.

This is no attack on the people in those top clans. They are doing what is logical. The problem is with the system that encourages the said behaviors.
for Lawton:
I understood your point completely, and it is more likely that you missed mine. I just disagree upon the conclusion of your basic mathematics, which to me are an exaggeration (hence the comment about exaggeration masking valid points - tacitly implying that some of your points have validity). The time frame required of course is opinion and depends upon multiple variables, one of which is activity, another is what is a sufficient amount of troops. A player who plays very little would indeed take over a year to accrue even a small amount of troops, while one who is active and levels up quickly would take easily less than a year.

The thing is, taking a hypothetical position of a new player, while it gives a clean slate and an independence from any of our positions (which are inherently couched from our own biased perspectives) it is also not really that relevant to the design of the game anymore. I believe this game gets relatively few new players, and is more based upon keeping those that have already invested in it. Many of those apparently new players are just older players creating a new account. As such they tend to level a bit swifter anyway. Whether or not this is "right" is about marketing, but since the admins are the only ones that know what they want, and what they get financially, I am inclined to conclude that since they know the facts and I don't, it is more likely that they have judged it better than me as to whether to focus on existing players or try and gain more.
@Meshy, The scoring system of smugglers events was practicly the same as for the LG events, but you know what, never mind since all you do is ignore the point anyway.

In short, people can keep on putting blindfolds, while the state of these scoring events has become crystal clear. Those that are rich get richer and those that are poor get poorer no matter their individual results. The rich can keep on using what they previously gained due to their richness while the gap between the poor will get wider and wider after each event.
@Meshy, The scoring system of smugglers events was practicly the same as for the LG events, but you know what, never mind since all you do is ignore the point anyway.

I did smuggler event all 50 waves when i was GL1 so you don't need to have good guild level for that event. You use your own army for it. And the scoring only considered the number of waves completed nothing else. I believe there were varied rewards for finishing waves - mg points, gl points, gold, diamond, etc.
for Lord selfist:
wars started for less than such strong words? Please that's lame. If you are an active player, there are no consequences to any criticism you provide. Or what, haven't you seen people hopping everywhere during the times of events and clans kicking out their own members to make spaces for said players? Do you think they care what X has said about Y clan or how he or she feels about multiple clans if X will give them all the points their own members wouldn't? I doubt it.

For me clan is just a means to a purpose. I know some of you are illusioned into making it a big family deal, a community or whatever.. but don't expect everyone to follow suit. Also if my current clan thinks of me a liability, let them. I know just what to do. So count on me to handle it.
I was going to give up at level 36 after I lost it countless of times. I didnt. I looked up strategies our clanmates shared in clan chat, and they helped me defeat level 50 (I did that with gargoyles, zombies and golems, units that almost EVERYONE has).

Good job ;) It definitely would be hard to win with those.
@virtual_vitrea, I did as well. I even finished all 50 waves three times just for the exp of it. And max score was indeed level cleared so max 50 points.

At LG events the points get increased by the number of the level you clear making the gap huge between lvl 30 clearer and level 50 clearer. While the level 30 clearer sits at 465 points, the lvl 50 clearer will almost have three times that with 1275 points in total. So even one player completing lvl 50 will net just as much points as 3 players netting lvl 30. This is actually absurd as well. Had the points been just like the smugglers event as in level reached then it would be way more competetive.
I made it past 35 using infected zombies, ghouls, and golems. These are all uncommon troops that I exchanged directly. When it came down to it, the only thing that kept me from moving past that level was my LeG level. My clanmate who shared the strategy made it to level 50 using the same troops with the exception of a small stack of leprechauns that provided ONE luck trigger which hardly affected the battle. He had about 23 losses, 12 of which on level 43. His higher LeG level gave him the ability to make it that high, not some fancy units that are exclusive a small population of players.

His battle for reference:
Had the points been just like the smugglers event as in level reached then it would be way more competitive.

I think this might be something to consider. It would definitely keep the margins closer.
@Techy, those leprechauns exactly make the difference, otherwise they would not get used. And let me guess, those 12 losses on level 43 happened due to luck not triggering that much or hardly at all.
for Lawton:

How did they make the difference? I posted the battle. Did you see their impact? It was nothing.
Sorry for the double post. Like I said in the original post about it, he had luck trigger once the entire combat for level 50. You can't really make the argument that the 12 losses happened on 43 because luck hardly triggering or at all when the player didn't even use leprechauns on his level 43. I imagine he accumulated those losses while he tested the best troop combinations.

Here is his level 43:
This debate is useless, people aren't willing to listen to the other side, the event is over I would sujjest locking the thread soon
its just gonna continue in the next LeG event thread lol...

i feel that what lawton has been saying is true though...
80% of the rare LeG troops i have were prizes from events while the stacks of harpooners i used to exchange for rares also came from events...
if an inactive pvp player wants to accumulate troops it would be pretty hard as i rarely play with high ap except during events...

however i also feel that not everything must be exactly fair in a game, for example i will never be able to get anyway in ag for the fact that the difficulty is really hard for the older campaigns that i never did and the lack of castles and skill to get enough points...
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