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AuthorAncient ritual
I thought it would be bought creatures that would matter.
Guess that's probably how it is.

Also, this:
All fights were checked for passability by the bot in automatic mode, taking into account the purchase of an additional army for silver with two victories at each level. From 1 to 10 levels, the enemy’s strength is further reduced.
Since there is no choice of skills, it is assumed that it is impossible to win level 50 without additional victories at previous levels (only assumed)

Maxim (adm)

I can't find source, since searching through russian forum is a mess.
In my clan, they explained the scaling was done in a similar fashion during the leader's event (every 10 level was tested for a given lg level by the AI and was balanced for a given % of remaining troops, every level would come with higher loss %). So that's probably how they balance their events.
They've changed drastically so far. Over 50% increase for sun priestess already.

Restruction is op
Insane difficulty
Show replay :)
Bear figure has already 25% price down just after the reward of dog figure has been declared. Just wondering how much more it can drop, arts are almost the same, just the supply will be doubled.

Every event has better arts and maybe better exp/fsp ratio (did not check that so carefully) to encourage players to take part in new events, it also makes new players to easier build more powerful hero per CL.
just the supply will be doubled.
That's the speculation anyway.
But from what I hear in the streets, this event is supposed to be (and is) harder than previous ones.

Since there is no choice of skills, it is assumed that it is impossible to win level 50 without additional victories at previous levels (only assumed)
Time will tell how far can you get without repeats
Anyone beat 11 in first try? I cant do it. Scorpions are useless. All enemies have a couple of stacks with tons of HP and massive damage. Camels do damage but die too fast. Dunes dont do much damage.
How?? How do you beat 31 tormentors????? Or 31 blessed spirits? Or 48 orc warriors and 3 raging cyclops???
looks imposseble 11 i quit admind can stick it up theirs
Did you try hitting them real hard?
If yes, I guess I can't help. My 11 wasn't scary at all.

Anyway, you can always do repeats. As is intended. Figurine is only for those willing to put a lot of losses this time.
lv 20 difficulty is just to high lv 15 gets noob opponents they do not want the lv 15 newbi to runn from the game or the admin must be lv 15 making it easy forhimself and for high lv not funn att all
for Issy404: Can you send battle link?

cant even kill half
By beating level 12 we get an achievement?
Found it very simple, but I am farming all levels
for Issy404: have you tried offensive build when there isnt a hero?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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