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AuthorAncient ritual
Does ancient mummies cast confusion on expert level ? What is the cost of other mummy units?
for Saira:
Yep. Expert Level (-70% Confusion).
Idk the costs for the other mummies.
Dark boots: 102
These haven't converted for the whole night!?
Isn't this supposed to happen automatically?
for The One Ring: Logout, Login. Should work. If not, do hunt/mg
Dark boots: 102
These haven't converted for the whole night!?
Isn't this supposed to happen automatically?

Maybe at 00:00 server time
for The One Ring:
I got it when I opened my inventory.
@latviesu lords, See you acknowledge that there is an art problem. In any game when there is a problem a solution would be presented, but not here, here they try their utter best to drain your gold thinking more diamonds will be sold that way, but the diminishing of donations shows the opposite effect of this. And yet they wonder why this game is dying out. You can only shake the tree a few times.
I've noticed that most AI stacks have basic attack/defense. I'm usually used to the large creatures or single (high HP) creatures being more difficult. Surprise ..10 frost maidens totally destroyed my stack of 30 or so camel riders in one hit. It would seem that some creature stacks are decked with what appears to be a fully decked out make up. Note to self...Don't assume every creature is weak. examine before commiting suicide lol. Back to the drawing board.
any advice on troop combo?

lv9 and lose 3 time already
i buy Sun Priestesses
for Gaara:
i buy sun too.useless
for Gaara:

Can you post battle links here ?

i buy sun too.useless

On the contrary, they are really useful. Especially, combined with Eclipse + Resurrection.

I'd recommended getting at least 3 sun priestesses to see their effectiveness.

FWIW, this was my level 20 fight https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=1012401498&html5=1&show_for_all=4b0305299a

this is where I stuck..lv12
not have tried other two
for Loafoant:
your important army is rider. the cost of sun can buy better army.
for siyy: Sun priestess right now cost 1.1k, riders cost 700, essentially 2 sun priestesses = 3 riders. Not a lot of difference IMO. Of course, after a point, it's better to invest in camel or whichever your main damage dealer is

for Gaara: First, you need better stats, the levels are designed for AI of your level in full stats fighting against those armies - hence, fighting will less AP will be harder

Secondly, when fighting non AI, sphynx mummies' confusion > dis ray. those marksmen/maidens/goblins will destroy you.

Third, if you're not aiming for the figurine, then you can go back and farm completed levels and increase your army.

Finally, while moon priestesses are sturdy as hell, they don't deal much damage. It's better to focus spells on camels/scorpions or even dune raiders or use weakness on OP enemies.
Sun priestess for 1000 silver. Good or bad price?
for Elrond: Has become cheaper now. Was definitely 1.2k, then 1.1k
Thanks, so maybe majority has gotten some and then shifted to other units.
Is there any link for tracking prices?

for Lawton:
Slowly stock amount is growing so Slowly its fixing itself. I mean amount of arts when prod site is out of gold and full of art.
You have to take in account that alot of people left game/stoped selling arts. Reason is scripts.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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