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AuthorCoronavirus Threat
Is your country or neighborhood affected?
What are your thought on this?

Even WHO declared it as Pandemic now..

As an Indian, situation is rising here day by day... as of today there are 74 cases and 1 death here.

Are you taking precautions?
Stay safe people!
As an Indian, situation is rising here day by day... as of today there are 74 cases and 1 death here

That's surprisingly few, though I wonder how much of that may be down to a lack of testing.

Much higher in the UK

That's surprisingly few, though I wonder how much of that may be down to a lack of testing.

This virus entered India on Monday iirc, and in just 5 days this is the case..
Problem is the mindset of Indians... still don't see people caring about much or taking proper precautions here.
This virus entered India on Monday iirc, and in just 5 days this is the case..

Do you know where the virus entered? I know certain places in India like Mumbai have high population density.

Problem is the mindset of Indians... still don't see people caring about much or taking proper precautions here.

Complete opposite in the UK, filled with idiots, our super markets have run out of toilet paper and pasta :(
When all the shops are shut and you've run out of toilet paper you may regret that post ;)
Do you know where the virus entered? I know certain places in India like Mumbai have high population density.

Entered in Kerala state from a guy returning from China, then at Delhi from guy returning from Italy.
Mumbai just had 1 case so far.. other less populated cities are currently more affected.

Complete opposite in the UK, filled with idiots, our super markets have run out of toilet paper and pasta :(
Same thing I hear from friends living at affected cities that they run out of masks, hand sanitizers and soaps.
But only at affected cities... people from other places are ignorant or don't care much until it becomes big deal of a threat.
Do you know where the virus entered? I know certain places in India like Mumbai have high population density.

It started spreading when certain group of tourist came from italy, some went to Delhi and some in Hyderabad.
Not only Italian tourist but also some of the Indians who returned to India after visiting Italy.
At us (in Hungary) as of today there are 18 cases and 0 death here.
Romania :70 infected, no dead. This is only the beginning
1 dead in India.
Just saying, stay calm and not to panic :)
Well the survival rate is pretty good so far, so let’s hope for the best

Can someone tell me why Italy has so many cases after China?
I thought countries nearing China would get but why Italy so far away having so many cases?
Well the survival rate is pretty good so far, so let’s hope for the best

No my dear friend, its not.
We have to stay calm but not ignorant at same time aswell.

1 more death in India at Delhi. Kerala state is partially shut down.
School, colleges, jobs have declared holidays. Its good government is taking action now.
Can someone tell me why Italy has so many cases after China

Aging population I believe
skiing holidays

See the death graph, the slope was so steep earlier. As time is passing it's angle is increasing too

The death rate in the uncured people will rise as it prolongs :x
5th oldest population in the world that is why so many deaths. First cases in europe were there. Started with infected doctor and then spread like fire. Same thing is happening elsewhere but with a week delay.
I guess there's not much we can do actually, except washing hands all the time and and keeping an extra packet of toilet paper as reserve :D
for Magier:
What you gonna do of the toilet paper?
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