Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|>
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Thief ambush Improvement | 05.13, 22:13 | 11 | Lord Hallion91 | 05.14, 17:29, by  techbarb | Auto Battles | 05.11, 20:21 | 11 | Lord T1000 | 05.12, 00:05, by  Arcanide | a New Counter | 05.08, 12:38 | 7 | ElvishW | 05.11, 20:39, by AKA | ranger guild reward | 05.09, 02:06 | 12 |  bp99 | 05.10, 09:31, by  ayush20 | group battle ammunition points | 05.09, 19:08 | 4 | SuperBacon | 05.10, 07:48, by ElfPride | CG points in Auto battles | 05.09, 08:50 | 9 | Ur_End_Is_Here | 05.09, 16:10, by Ur_End_Is_Here | offline players | 05.08, 14:42 | 6 |  yashu12323 | 05.08, 17:07, by MrBattleControl | Reduce repair cost | 04.04, 17:45 | 22 | Xhuda | 05.08, 11:40, by Worf | work deal on facilities | 05.07, 21:12 | 3 | Rendijs789 | 05.07, 23:10, by Worf | Merecenary guild time limit | 05.05, 22:14 | 12 | viren7575 | 05.07, 20:52, by Rendijs789 | money loaning machine | 05.06, 09:53 | 9 | siddi1111 | 05.06, 12:59, by Optimus Prime | mercenary guild timer | 05.05, 16:23 | 4 | Rendijs789 | 05.05, 17:16, by  Arcanide | donation via mobile phones | 04.06, 00:45 | 18 | siddi1111 | 05.04, 23:43, by agent_004 | Recycle bin for items | 05.04, 07:32 | 16 | KOF Z | 05.04, 17:46, by Optimus Prime | Ammunition disparity with Tavern Drink | 04.30, 12:35 | 21 | Nutella | 05.02, 22:16, by  _-_Kratos_-_ | Improve Talent System | 03.26, 20:01 | 17 | eXitus2010 | 05.01, 16:55, by ElvishW | Google Translator add on | 04.20, 16:12 | 17 | RIPSarcasm | 04.30, 11:44, by Lord SV22 | talents in portal | 04.15, 20:12 | 19 | Rendijs789 | 04.26, 13:45, by Rendijs789 | Remove timer when last player is left in PvE | 04.15, 02:23 | 13 | AKA | 04.25, 04:07, by  Lord Fosgeen | Hunting records | 04.20, 16:41 | 9 | RIPSarcasm | 04.24, 16:06, by ziginieks2 | Name Filter | 04.22, 22:19 | 7 | BitchFAPlease | 04.24, 09:37, by BitchFAPlease | Group Battle Cancellation | 04.21, 18:32 | 3 | BitchFAPlease | 04.21, 18:37, by MrBattleControl | Health Timer | 04.21, 18:07 | 5 | BitchFAPlease | 04.21, 18:24, by  Arcanide | afks | 04.21, 02:04 | 2 | Rendijs789 | 04.21, 02:35, by  Arcanide | mirror battles in survilurg defenses | 04.15, 14:51 | 10 | siddi1111 | 04.16, 10:52, by siddi1111 | Filters for combat log | 04.13, 13:20 | 3 | siddi1111 | 04.13, 13:56, by  DEATHisNEAR | *Your Turn* sound improvement | 04.05, 20:49 | 16 | Lord Hallion91 | 04.12, 01:11, by Lord selfist | English Battles - Russian Battles | 04.09, 21:38 | 14 | English-King | 04.11, 13:48, by Lord Hallion91 | Loans | 09.26, 20:56 | 28 | shourya | 04.02, 12:03, by Lord zombie-slayer | experience/exp ratio in survival | 04.01, 14:20 | 3 | Bheem | 04.01, 14:41, by Anony-mouse |