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Topic Date
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Why do dark elfs do more dmg than wizards?08.02, 10:223Yoinkboisxt08.02, 11:11, by Yoinkboisxt
Wizard in pvp08.02, 00:272Yoinkboisxt08.02, 08:20, by #9595Acean
How is TG Gold per win per level calculated please?08.01, 14:374elven_blade08.01, 17:58, by elven_blade
RG promotion?07.31, 16:386#7705Lord Mora07.31, 18:50, by #9595Another Player
Smugglers Event - Is this Event Easy?07.31, 16:323elven_blade07.31, 17:02, by #9595Hapkoman
Is demon faction best faction in highest levels?07.19, 21:368_Yoinkisis_07.31, 12:55, by #3161ScylluaDarkhope
Link to check extra experience07.30, 23:183#2302Macware107.31, 01:45, by #2302Macware1
Pr&#233;mium picture07.30, 20:092#1488Sorrow-07.30, 20:23, by #9595Hapkoman
Commanders' guild07.29, 23:503#12695Varicella Zoster07.30, 10:22, by #7705Lord MilesTeg
Invokers not able to use Rune of Retribution in TG?07.28, 18:433elven_blade07.28, 18:51, by elven_blade
Gonfalon of Griffin - Non Transferable Item - Repair?07.27, 10:319elven_blade07.28, 16:07, by elven_blade
Repair07.15, 17:4416#7705Andycog07.28, 07:08, by #7705Andycog
What does point 8 say in buns we got07.27, 19:403#7490WAARLORD07.28, 06:26, by #7490WAARLORD
Adventures Guild Creatures - Are these considered Neutral Creatures?07.26, 10:588elven_blade07.27, 11:52, by elven_blade
Creature armaments - how to acquire them!07.21, 10:386elven_blade07.26, 10:52, by elven_blade
Does resetting too many times decrease primary skill07.21, 01:4812Bhanuxp07.21, 10:39, by Bhanuxp
Elixirs - Great Contest and CG07.19, 10:335elven_blade07.20, 02:58, by #1209Galthran
Unholy or regular necro?07.08, 18:478yoinkiisis07.19, 16:51, by #5722PlayboT
Durability doesn't match07.15, 04:325Nb_wiz07.15, 18:13, by Nb_wiz
Facility tax calculation07.02, 23:458#7490AzagToth07.14, 23:55, by #7490AzagToth
how did Poisoner starts before leprechaun07.09, 13:0410#846Elden Lord07.14, 19:27, by #3161ScylluaDarkhope
Auto combat for MG quests07.13, 23:273#7705Elrond07.14, 13:10, by #9595merlin36
Can anything be done about a bad shareholder?07.05, 15:416#9595Acean07.06, 23:51, by #1209latviesu lords
Great mechanic glasses07.01, 08:155#9595bp9907.02, 02:55, by #9595bp99
Offensive language is this it?06.15, 03:3119#7490Jassi06.19, 00:01, by #7490Jassi
Poor performance in QT from lvl 12 knight06.11, 02:1512#7490666beasty06.13, 21:40, by #4201Calamity
What's difference between defense and defense of troops06.10, 17:472Nb_wiz06.12, 00:58, by #4201virtual_vitrea
leader guild script - is it legal? if so, can someone post the link06.10, 23:013#9595Syl06.11, 20:23, by #9595Syl
Against afk player and no cg points06.04, 09:455#7490WAARLORD06.09, 06:28, by #7490WAARLORD
How to play LG?06.08, 13:528Nb_wiz06.09, 05:50, by Nb_wiz

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