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Troops are not organized or not sufficient. Recruit troops at the character page | 04.22, 18:01 | 4 | Sir Szilard666 | 04.23, 10:08, by Sir Szilard666 | what kind of battes is this :) | 04.22, 23:37 | 5 | ElvishW | 04.23, 02:23, by  Corey | Miss EPG 2012? | 04.22, 21:22 | 2 | blazingarpit | 04.23, 02:17, by  Corey | mana feed | 04.23, 00:51 | 2 |  Lord Started | 04.23, 02:01, by  Corey | How much gold i exactly need to make a clan...? | 04.22, 23:32 | 3 | Dungeon2011 | 04.23, 01:38, by Darkest Elf | dominion undead locked (part 2) | 04.19, 12:52 | 17 | -kyu- | 04.22, 20:45, by -kyu- | Golems of Death | 04.22, 14:28 | 7 | Marquise | 04.22, 20:31, by  Lord cepruyc | Disruption ray | 04.22, 16:57 | 5 | Evy | 04.22, 20:30, by  Lord cepruyc | Sword of stiffness | 04.21, 16:19 | 7 | Lord Dakkon | 04.22, 04:44, by Lord Dakkon | 2of chrs bloked is there a way to remoove it ? | 04.20, 13:01 | 14 | babywolf | 04.22, 03:01, by  SirM0rphius | Can I join a tournament with negative experience to next level? | 04.20, 08:37 | 8 | Xhuda | 04.21, 19:49, by Xhuda | avatars | 04.21, 16:55 | 4 | DieSlowly | 04.21, 17:09, by sachinthefuhrer | Flat Broke | 04.21, 11:48 | 5 | razorsharpAbhi | 04.21, 14:18, by razorsharpAbhi | Hunter broadsword | 04.21, 10:11 | 3 | razorsharpAbhi | 04.21, 10:17, by razorsharpAbhi | Looting Items | 04.21, 00:25 | 5 | Darkest Elf | 04.21, 00:36, by Darkest Elf | MG Quest locations. | 04.20, 23:10 | 2 |  virtual_vitrea | 04.20, 23:13, by  Lord Khellendros | Damage Calculator | 04.19, 15:40 | 4 | I_N_S_A_N_E | 04.20, 21:54, by I_N_S_A_N_E | After my move: Game over by timeout - you lose | 04.15, 07:54 | 3 | Arghmage | 04.20, 21:25, by Arghmage | Knight Caravan | 04.20, 19:03 | 1 | Fallen Atheros | 04.20, 19:03, by Fallen Atheros | Any thing wrong with my tavern game data? | 04.20, 16:05 | 3 | singlebear | 04.20, 16:30, by Warwick-the-wiz | invite | 04.20, 13:49 | 6 |  Lord thanderbolt | 04.20, 14:24, by Warwick-the-wiz | Tavern legendary cup.. | 04.20, 14:12 | 3 | Bullet Dodger | 04.20, 14:22, by Murali | Ambush vs. double ambush | 04.20, 12:40 | 2 | Majesticos | 04.20, 13:37, by Sven91 | Negative luck | 04.20, 10:24 | 4 | razorsharpAbhi | 04.20, 12:35, by Edwin | Mer.Gild and Thief heroes | 04.20, 02:11 | 7 | Why_So_Serious | 04.20, 08:15, by  TraumatizedSoul | Ideas and suggestions | 04.19, 18:08 | 9 | Shubham22 | 04.20, 07:18, by  Lord hpsim | Unholy insight tourney | 04.19, 20:29 | 2 | devin_2011 | 04.19, 20:35, by REd Pois0n | Posting lots | 04.19, 20:09 | 4 | razorsharpAbhi | 04.19, 20:21, by  SirM0rphius | How do i lightning exp lvl up?? | 04.19, 14:10 | 8 |  TraumatizedSoul | 04.19, 19:47, by Darkest Elf | Doubts on mix tournament :/ | 04.19, 13:47 | 10 |  TraumatizedSoul | 04.19, 19:31, by  TraumatizedSoul |