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Topic Date
Author Last message
Tower12.09, 12:454#7490AzagToth12.10, 13:44, by #7490AzagToth
Questions regarding enchanter guild12.10, 10:282#7490Hephaistion12.10, 13:40, by #9595Acean
5 or more consecutive moves with luck, are you serious?12.07, 08:364King_Luigi12.07, 21:28, by #1209Another Player
Trying to understand Ai Behavior in battles12.04, 08:385#846Elden Lord12.07, 09:35, by King_Luigi
Factions lvl12.04, 04:047Arcun12.07, 03:17, by #7490Vitzyas
Hunter Guild monster bounty12.05, 16:423Arcun12.05, 20:37, by #1209jahadad
Quick tourny12.03, 16:392Deadnamez12.03, 17:08, by #7490Ridrich
Psg12.03, 16:261IventVagon12.03, 16:26, by IventVagon
Damage calc12.02, 23:222Marquise12.03, 06:57, by #7490Ridrich
thief ambushed by thief12.02, 05:274King_Luigi12.02, 12:00, by King_Luigi
How to gain alot of money?11.28, 20:103Aminbad11.28, 20:37, by #7705Elrond
Chromebook not displaying battle11.22, 13:348#7705Reliable111.23, 21:08, by _JUDICATOR_
What is the time zone of this game11.20, 14:283Aminbad11.20, 15:33, by Aminbad
Skeleton archers11.18, 13:172Aminbad11.18, 16:21, by #1209Another Player
Faction Tier list - Question for Newbie11.17, 15:054Cerise11.17, 23:09, by #7490Ulmo
Help Leader's Guild11.16, 08:445TahaO211.16, 10:26, by TahaO2
hunter license question11.14, 20:325DragonStick11.15, 13:32, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
Luck/Morale calculation11.12, 09:294ProZyk11.12, 18:48, by Marquise
when does rapid/delay takes effect11.12, 10:516#846Elden Lord11.12, 15:45, by #5722Marco Reus
Dungeons event11.07, 23:492Fury_Barb11.08, 00:28, by #7490Tanisia
what event is the best for donate for special reward?10.27, 23:577DragonStick11.07, 23:05, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
Alternate player art11.06, 08:563Albriech11.06, 09:08, by Albriech
elves?????11.05, 09:045XxyoinkisisxX11.05, 19:04, by #9595Acean
bow11.03, 06:522R_O_B_E_R_T11.03, 13:04, by #4201Calamity
what happens if i level up while doing adventure campaign?10.29, 07:367moki-10.30, 06:36, by moki-
ask. should i save up for my gold for Share or Estate10.27, 23:003DragonStick10.27, 23:50, by #1519slayerofall
quick skill potion question10.26, 02:213moki-10.26, 02:47, by moki-
Sun and wind artifact shop gears10.23, 13:268#846Elden Lord10.24, 11:20, by #7490Ulmo
extra hg points09.30, 01:118Cooli10.23, 16:38, by #7705Lynch
CL 12 Dwarf/Fire Dwarf10.16, 10:376#7705JustTunaaaa10.23, 10:50, by #5722Marco Reus

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