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Topic Date
Author Last message
Holy knight problem06.28, 06:594silican0106.29, 03:48, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
Fear shield not available06.27, 09:102#2302Macware106.27, 09:11, by #2302Macware1
306.25, 17:342ForZaN_06.25, 18:50, by #9595Hoodie
306.25, 17:311ForZaN_06.25, 17:31, by ForZaN_
Where do i view the shares06.25, 16:243#9595Flamys06.25, 16:37, by #9595Flamys
Is interception hard?06.19, 18:432#7705Lord Mora06.19, 19:59, by #9595merlin36
faction handicap06.18, 09:562#12091234qwer06.18, 10:03, by #1209Galthran
Anyone know where blade of rebirth is on map?06.17, 23:444#9595bobsrevenge99906.18, 00:59, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Anyone know where blade of rebirth is on map?06.17, 23:431#9595bobsrevenge99906.17, 23:43, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Is it reccomended to only do the campaigns on the day that give you exrea chance06.17, 23:182#9595bobsrevenge99906.17, 23:25, by #9595Igles
potion of guild06.14, 19:479#12091234qwer06.15, 13:15, by #4201Calamity
Initiative bar06.14, 15:527#7705Lord Mahendra_1106.14, 21:30, by #1519slayerofall
Can't buy Hunter Broadsword in market?06.14, 21:203sareth06.14, 21:21, by sareth
ABOUT GROUP BATTLES06.06, 14:0118VELENO06.14, 15:18, by kchong
Events based on choice of Sets (parts) we want!06.14, 12:125#7705elven_blade06.14, 13:16, by #9595Igles
Next event?06.13, 08:0613#7705Lord Mahendra_1106.14, 00:05, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Why won’t it let me join duels in commanders guild?06.13, 05:556#9595bobsrevenge99906.13, 11:39, by #1209Galthran
Laborers guild06.09, 11:1814#2302Macware106.11, 18:26, by #1209Arcanide
how to leave a clan.06.11, 08:453#9595Whitelightening06.11, 10:48, by #846Elden Lord
To get max adventurers guild level06.11, 08:532#9595bobsrevenge99906.11, 09:09, by #1209Galthran
spell damage06.10, 22:075#12091234qwer06.11, 04:32, by #12091234qwer
How to use enchanted arrow as charmer elf06.10, 20:585#9595bobsrevenge99906.10, 23:08, by #9595bobsrevenge999
LG question - Leader's Guild06.08, 10:383#9595Syl06.08, 12:02, by #9595Syl
Hunting buddy needed lvl 6-706.08, 00:021Holy106.08, 00:02, by Holy1
potion of guild06.05, 22:053#12091234qwer06.06, 13:12, by #12091234qwer
Tavern06.04, 07:256Holy106.04, 21:43, by Holy1
X bows06.04, 00:486Holy106.04, 03:47, by Holy1
Talents Skillwheel 202406.04, 02:551#7705Gyver06.04, 02:55, by #7705Gyver
this should be a game bug and needs to be fixed06.03, 09:154#846Elden Lord06.03, 11:57, by #7705Lord Mora
Calculating the cost of using artifacts per battle - Help05.31, 17:476#9595Syl05.31, 22:12, by #9595Syl

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