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Topic Date
Author Last message
How long does -2 luck last05.26, 21:503#9595bobsrevenge99905.27, 05:54, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
what does my teammate say?05.25, 19:273King_Luigi05.26, 07:37, by King_Luigi
draw05.25, 20:572#12091234qwer05.25, 21:10, by #928kchong
prismatic breath05.24, 21:524#12091234qwer05.25, 11:57, by #1519slayerofall
How to send clan mail ?05.22, 12:123#18Swam505.22, 12:23, by #18Swam5
Hunt/MG Bonus +3/+5 Based on Faction or Class05.21, 20:157diversecity05.21, 23:00, by #1209Another Player
What is theives guild gold formula05.20, 06:382#9595bobsrevenge99905.20, 12:47, by #9595Hapkoman
Bun + Abu-Bakir's charms effects on MG05.20, 10:533#7705Disciple Daylen05.20, 12:36, by #7705Disciple Daylen
Thieves guild05.18, 09:5312#7705Lord Mahendra_1105.19, 16:38, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Is this a bug?05.15, 02:337#4201virtual_vitrea05.17, 16:55, by #9595Acean
where do the shop arts with extra durability come from?05.16, 10:023moki-05.16, 10:10, by moki-
Website?04.27, 20:1016#9595bobsrevenge99905.16, 02:26, by #5722All-Father
it is worth to do campaigns when adventurer guild level 3 is reached?05.15, 09:593King_Luigi05.15, 12:34, by #9595Hapkoman
Bow05.14, 18:062Eyewind05.15, 00:56, by Fury_Barb
Number in curly brackets?05.14, 00:322#9595Bionic_Crow05.14, 00:49, by #41-_NO--NAME_-
Earning gold faster and or in different ways05.01, 05:0628Trinidad05.13, 21:29, by King_Luigi
What does the meanie face mean on facilities defense?05.03, 07:553#9595bobsrevenge99905.09, 19:13, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Character movement settings05.09, 16:573Deadnamez05.09, 17:26, by Deadnamez
Besides castles what should I use my gold on05.08, 18:1310#9595bobsrevenge99905.09, 13:04, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
what is the cost of a heavy temporal set 80/8005.02, 23:4919King_Luigi05.08, 04:32, by #4201virtual_vitrea
Commadners guild best exp/fsp ratio right.05.07, 22:013#9595bobsrevenge99905.07, 22:57, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Demoralizing presence05.05, 05:522#7705Murali05.05, 08:13, by #7705Murali
experience penalty04.25, 07:1921King_Luigi04.26, 17:26, by #9595bobsrevenge999
Premium images +1 stat04.24, 13:245#7490Fire-Bred04.25, 04:29, by #7490Fire-Bred
battle damage calculator04.22, 09:292#57Lord Mora04.22, 13:08, by #7705Lord MilesTeg
Applying enchant to arts for extra AP for more followers work?04.16, 11:2122#928kchong04.20, 14:20, by #4201Calamity
Water damage04.19, 01:078#12091234qwer04.19, 15:27, by #5722All-Father
Does a bun work in combination with hunters license?04.17, 15:422#1597Torbalan04.17, 15:48, by #1209Galthran
wow wtf is this04.16, 17:434XxyoinkisisxX04.16, 22:34, by King_Luigi
creature icons and models!!!!!!!04.16, 22:201XxGilgameshXx04.16, 22:20, by XxGilgameshXx

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