Forums-->Rare items <|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|>
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[Sell][Siren trident][33k] | 03.29, 18:11 | 2 | ULTRA_XEROX | 03.29, 19:37, by MrBattleControl | [Sell][Temporal Shield][80/80] | 03.23, 07:34 | 3 | JP_Alexander | 03.25, 19:44, by JP_Alexander | [Sell][Tactician helmet] [D10E10A10W10F10][34/62][210k] | 03.24, 21:46 | 3 | Jon Battleborn | 03.25, 04:36, by _Sworks_ | [sell]thiefs arts[50k] | 03.23, 01:57 | 1 | -praywithme- | 03.23, 01:57, by -praywithme- | [sell]Thief set [53/59][40-50k] | 03.23, 00:48 | 3 | -praywithme- | 03.23, 01:02, by MrBattleControl | [sell][Assailant Lance][53/53][E1][22000] | 03.20, 19:18 | 1 | thedarkdevil | 03.20, 19:18, by thedarkdevil | [Sell][sign of seven ][22/22][2970 gold] | 03.09, 18:07 | 3 | BiawakJahat | 03.11, 15:17, by Lord STB | [Sell][Tactician sets][39/75][570k] | 03.05, 10:39 | 2 | warrior49 | 03.06, 19:40, by warrior49 | [sell][Thief dagger E10A10W10F10][19/43][170k] | 03.05, 21:22 | 2 | Gabielli | 03.06, 00:46, by MrBattleControl | [sell][Barbarian warrior club][100/100][650000] | 02.15, 14:53 | 6 | Pedro76 | 02.22, 09:08, by eddy_immanuel | [sell] Plunderer set artefacts [D8E8A8F8] 24/60 | 02.21, 15:33 | 2 | Tink9r | 02.21, 16:12, by MrBattleControl | [Buy][Thief arts][0/60] | 02.05, 14:48 | 2 | Lord PG | 02.06, 14:54, by Lord PG | [sell][thief dagger][60/60][16k gold] | 02.04, 14:35 | 1 | Lord PG | 02.04, 14:35, by Lord PG | [Sell][Thief Dagger][60/60][16000] | 02.02, 21:57 | 3 | Ur_End_Is_Here | 02.03, 15:09, by Ur_End_Is_Here | [sell][Lich crown][E3A3][39/39][40k] | 01.29, 18:17 | 7 | iwinulose | 02.03, 01:30, by iwinulose | [Sell][Plunderer Necklace][14/58][14,000] | 01.31, 22:10 | 3 | _1rip1_ | 02.01, 20:48, by _1rip1_ | [Sell][Orc tyrant hatchets] | 01.29, 14:13 | 3 | iwinulose | 02.01, 14:28, by iwinulose | [sell][tact. ring of wisdom][E6W6F7][44999] | 01.29, 14:10 | 3 | Lord DarkAtom | 01.31, 18:34, by ElfPride | [sell][tactician armour][36999] | 01.29, 14:08 | 3 | Lord DarkAtom | 01.29, 20:56, by MrBattleControl | [Sell][Orc tyrant hatchets][Various durabilities][20k] | 01.28, 22:19 | 2 | iwinulose | 01.28, 22:25, by Lord STB | [Sell][Tactician sets][39/75][600k] | 01.28, 18:32 | 1 | warrior49 | 01.28, 18:32, by warrior49 | [Buy] [Sentinel spear durability][52/57][130k] | 01.28, 14:17 | 3 | SapphiroN | 01.28, 16:23, by MrBattleControl | [sell][temporal helmet][79/79][19,000] | 01.25, 16:55 | 2 | Knight Walker | 01.27, 18:11, by Knight Walker | [Sell][Dwarven spear][I10E10A10W10F10][74/92] | 01.27, 12:04 | 2 | Prewelec | 01.27, 12:19, by ElfPride | [Sell][Orc tyrant hatchets][Various durabilities] | 01.26, 14:49 | 2 | ayush20 | 01.26, 18:37, by ElfPride | [Sell][Tactician dagger][75/75][95000gold] | 01.23, 16:55 | 6 | iwinulose | 01.26, 11:22, by Lord DarkAtom | [sell][recruiter boots][90/90][32k] | 01.24, 18:09 | 2 | seanckx | 01.26, 10:20, by seanckx | [sell][recruiter boots][90/90][35k] | 01.22, 18:04 | 3 | seanckx | 01.24, 12:05, by seanckx | [Buy][Recruiters (Set/Partial Piece)] | 01.23, 23:29 | 2 | aRU | 01.24, 04:13, by ElfPride | [Sell][magical balls][1650-5151] | 01.17, 22:25 | 4 | 4everurs | 01.20, 22:39, by 4everurs |