Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles <|133|134|135|136|137|138|139|140|141|142|143
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No....... | 06.07, 06:00 | 4 | bomman_master | 06.07, 09:12, by  Shebali | snakedoc spamms | 06.07, 08:43 | 1 | 3zaroth | 06.07, 08:43, by 3zaroth | AFK | 06.06, 11:17 | 2 | KBAC | 06.06, 12:36, by  Lord MasterTI | AFK | 06.06, 11:45 | 2 | Elflotyo | 06.06, 12:35, by  Lord MasterTI | Please block character pratz! | 06.03, 07:02 | 3 | garyng80 | 06.05, 14:45, by  Lord Kotrin | Away | 06.05, 12:31 | 3 | Lady Redh | 06.05, 13:24, by drakelord | Another AFK | 06.05, 08:52 | 2 | 3zaroth | 06.05, 09:21, by  Shebali | Insult + Swearing in chat | 06.04, 00:39 | 3 |  Lord lcorndogl | 06.04, 06:11, by  Elven_Lord | a threat in hunt | 06.03, 23:49 | 3 | Lord myelf | 06.03, 23:54, by  Omega22 | profile | 06.03, 08:01 | 2 | naapa92 | 06.03, 08:09, by sarliharrish | BLOCKED CHAR! | 06.03, 06:08 | 1 | Slayex | 06.03, 06:08, by Slayex | does not want to fight | 05.29, 15:52 | 4 | AtomniY_baton | 06.02, 20:35, by  Lord Kotrin | Offenses, violation of an official language on the server! | 06.02, 16:29 | 2 | Lord Native | 06.02, 16:33, by gurumao | Insult in battle | 06.02, 09:14 | 3 | Shandris | 06.02, 15:12, by Shandris | AFK | 06.02, 10:31 | 1 | Lord Martin_Mover | 06.02, 10:31, by Lord Martin_Mover | cursing in battle | 05.31, 17:00 | 6 | ss9771977b | 06.02, 04:54, by imanmirza45 | Extremely Lucky - Lord_David | 06.01, 23:35 | 6 | Devilissa | 06.02, 02:59, by Lady Takesister | Rudeness -Rydz- | 06.01, 14:34 | 1 | Lady -P3nnyw1se- | 06.01, 14:34, by Lady -P3nnyw1se- | Spammer | 06.01, 10:08 | 2 | 3zaroth | 06.01, 10:08, by 3zaroth | Afk at purpose | 06.01, 07:14 | 4 | Wizzard | 06.01, 09:10, by Wizzard | AFK on purpose | 05.29, 07:04 | 2 | RandhyTheDarks | 06.01, 07:14, by Jesse5 | Block me, please. | 05.31, 11:47 | 3 | Kirill_of_Sand | 05.31, 14:59, by  Shebali | Yuseifudo have cheated among accounts in battles | 05.31, 08:52 | 1 | TheEvilTemplar | 05.31, 08:52, by TheEvilTemplar | 2 players with the same id in same battle | 05.30, 13:00 | 1 | ganster | 05.30, 13:00, by ganster | Yuseifudo's account versus Yuseifudo's account | 05.29, 02:25 | 3 | TheEvilTemplar | 05.29, 12:20, by  Shebali | Staged ambushes | 05.28, 09:57 | 12 | StevieG | 05.29, 11:44, by hiddenshadow | unapropiate words | 05.29, 00:12 | 4 | Silverelite | 05.29, 01:14, by Lord Ravensclaw | "we are playing from the same pc" - joint combat | 05.26, 19:01 | 4 | Asmodin | 05.28, 18:12, by  Shebali | A player went AFK | 05.27, 22:34 | 2 | Lady Svetochek | 05.28, 09:27, by  Lord Kotrin | rascist | 05.28, 02:59 | 1 | warhero123 | 05.28, 02:59, by warhero123 |