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second blinfold battle


Authorsecond blinfold battle
for Rizzel7:
I don't think so. I've played just one battle and I didn't have connection problems for a long time but I lost my internet in the middle of the battle and I didn't recover it till 5-6 hours later. And I had so many chances to win (so I wouldn't have any reason to afk ) but it just happened. And even if I'm sad about it, would I deserve a ban? Of course not!
Look at this battle and tell me what you think of it.


I'm just speechless when looking at Knight and Barbarian.
few points of my dissatisfaction:

1) if you are not aggressive for too long, your troops lose their mind
2) you get to see other players' success rate
3) no "2 players" rule.
4) 8 days for 20 2.5-hour battles


this server just isn't ready for blindfold tourney, and some of the rules are really stupid. regardless, i won't play it ONLY because of 8 days for 20 2.5-hour battles idiotic deadline. sorry//

^^ You can't play defensive at this kind of tourney even if you use defensive faction. It will take longer time if there's no 'aggressive rule' so more fights can be done in 8 days. Success rate can help decide who's your next target and make it more competitive (after all, this is a tourney with many pressure if you at higher position, not a hunting club ^^). Even with "2 players" rule,that restrict some high levels for playing, there's no guarantee it will be fair enough, everyone not from same clan can just easily teaming up before and during battle.

>>> Admins already worked hard to presents this tourney and if some don't think its that perfect, can just move along or find own way to enjoy it.
I am sure this came up before but 20 battles on 7 nights is freaking hard to accomplish.
Just one thing. I would add a new rule, for the next tournament: max 3 players of the same faction. I had 3 experiences with 3 wizards, who always team up. Too much for everyone.
Sorry, max 2 players from the same faction!
for Jeverag:

They didnt worked that hard, its exactly the same presented on .ru. Theres two facts that they forgot about .com. We are different, in almost all aspects of the game and we have a lower population. This kind of tournament isnt good for us at that time.
The main problem is too few players to play the tourney at the same time. If there are 100 people of the same level to play at the same time, then it is hard for cheaters to be in the same battle.

Actually 4 players FFA is much better than 6 players FFA. In a 4 players FFA, suppose there are two people from the same clan working together, if you observe carefully, it is not hard to find out. There is still a good chance to change your target before it is too late. In a 6 players FFA, if there are 3 players from the same clan, no matter how you play, you cannot balance the game since they will kill the one with greatest potential as soon as possible.
I would add a new rule, for the next tournament: max 3 players of the same faction. I had 3 experiences with 3 wizards, who always team up. Too much for everyone.

Doesn't always happen that way. I was in with 2 other wizards and those two made my life miserable. The 2 of them eliminated my gargs. Surprising ... I still won ... with 1 Golem and 1 genie left. Don't often see those in end of battle lol.
Point is clans teaming up is more likely that factions. But since this almost always will happen by means other than LordsWM, like using Skype or MSN, it is impossible to prove this happened and lets just face it that the winners will not be the strongest or the cleverest but those with the most friends. So lets call this Friendship Tournament and relax. Its just fun to play it.
So lets call this Friendship Tournament and relax. Its just fun to play it.


I can't stop laughing when I read someone complain about other clan 'teaming up', but in the end their clan members are doing the same :p
So you cannot level up midway through the tournament?
Example: A lvl 6 gained enough exp after 5 battles, so he/she will stay on lvl 6, or level up?
when will this tournament end?
So you cannot level up midway through the tournament?
Example: A lvl 6 gained enough exp after 5 battles, so he/she will stay on lvl 6, or level up?

That player will stay at lv 6 as long as he does tourney battles only. If he does ANY other battle he'll get to lv 7 and will have to start all over again. Ofc the lv 6 scores will be retained during deciding winners.

when will this tournament end?
https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments.php <= find it out for yourself :P
In 2 battles I'm down from 90% to 75%! :S
The entire setup is just wrong, aside from the fact that it's way to easy for people that know eachother to team up (haven't had much trouble with that I think) It just doesn't give enough incentive for someone to win, getting second (or third) yields nearly as much gain as coming in first does so instead of playing to win, people play not to end up last ending up with some kind of gangbang on the weaker players first. I keep on wondering why I keep wasting my arts durability on this knowing I'll be taken out first by 2 (or more) players.
You can't play defensive at this kind of tourney even if you use defensive faction. It will take longer time if there's no 'aggressive rule' so more fights can be done in 8 days

oh, i am sorry, it would save us a lot of time. maybe we could play the whole tourney 3 times per day with that rule. c'mon man, you don't seriously mean that it would save some decent amount of time :)

that rule is there so that you can't stay in the corner and wait and watch for others to kill each other off. and, although i don't like it, it makes some sense, and ok, i can get used to it.

Success rate can help decide who's your next target and make it more competitive (after all, this is a tourney with many pressure if you at higher position, not a hunting club ^^).

why? what hunting club? best players are exposed, and they can lose the tourney because of this. i think that best players deserve to win the tourney, don't you? ^^

Even with "2 players" rule,that restrict some high levels for playing, there's no guarantee it will be fair enough, everyone not from same clan can just easily teaming up before and during battle.

now, let me put it like this: Maia, Kusika, Visao, any level 13 or 14 player, do you care about me? no? well, i care about you guys, on scale from 1 to 10, my caring about you is - 0! ^^

so, if high levels can't play because of "2 players" rule, than the rule has to go? why? what about thousands of other players? everyone should suffer so that few guys from no-lifer's club can enjoy the tourney? if you ask me, since i actually got nothing against high level players, that rule can be out for levels 13 and 14. maybe even for 12th level, but why for lower levels?

Arctic, you have my vote to change these rules for the sake of blindfold tourney's quality.

also, i would like to see "1 player" rule on some next tourney because, for some reason, a lot of LWM players are clan-patriotic. i think that is silly, but hey, it's your choice :)

cheers everyone!
I was replay some of lv 11+ combats and I'm surprised at the number of magic DEs. The magic build really does shine in these tightly knit battlefields.

The teammates dont attack each other for the first rounds....fine, i can live with that.
But its totally unfair to take out the knight. They blocked him with their troops, so that he couldnt reach the hydras to get the third place in this battle.

And again EW players....:(

The gargs parking next to the skel-bows, and so on.
for some reason, a lot of LWM players are clan-patriotic. i think that is silly..

We should be, first and foremost, one big family of Lordswm. Then, we can be part of a smaller family in a clan. Clan alliance should never come before alliance to all members of Lordswm in general.

Looking at the way how rampant teaming is in the current 'everyone for oneself' tourney, somewhere along the lines, this simple truth and underlying foundation to ensure Lordswm's longevity and success got screwed up pretty bad.

Country before family, family before self. Similarly, without Lordswm, there is no clan to be an alliance of.

A wonderful battle!

Yes, I am the green wizzy, yes, the one that wait 'til the end.

I waited, because there were beautiful duels going on, and didn't want to interfere until it was perfectly clear who would come out victorious, at the price of a few xp.

Of course, if i had gone one way or the other, the balance would have been changed.
But that is not the point. To all that say that all these tournament battles are staged: proof that you can have a real EfO combat is right here!

(and yes, i also had battles of 3-4 Vs me.. it happens, cope with that ^^)
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