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[News from the Court] - Discussion thread


Author[News from the Court] - Discussion thread
for makmak:
nicely put, but, now let's not speak against donating because some players donated by now because they wanted to support this game, but not all of them are noobs (i am speaking about honourable people, not me who donated to support this game and to have easier access to MG :D).
The reason some players have good sp and low xp is simple:
Few hours intensive play and lot of hunt assistance.
If I play for 2-3 hrs, I want to team play so I assist in battles.
Nothing bad on this.
These players are thrown out now


Now a good player should avoid xp and hunt assistance now since there will be problems in confronting in high level any noob who simply donated...

"I know, that Im not representative sample of player this game :o) and we have to calculate with statistical discrepancy(maybe more Good Jobs) but if there are no mistakes, result is following:

Im going to lost 350 140 gold
Im going to earn 63 810 gold

Finally Im missing 286 330 gold"

That's about right. You've also lost about 800 fights, some of which you would have won if you'd been wearing gear, I'm sure. And you'd also be level 9 and probably almost halfway to level 10 by now- there's a LOT more XP being given out. But yeah, we're talking on the order of 200-250K.

So what do you have on those Gargoyles? +8 Def, +8 Att, +2 Luck or the like? If you just took that third element out and left it at +8 Att/+8 Def, that would be equal to ALL the cash you would have lost had the rules been in place from the beginning. So all of this complaining, and all of the AP changes, what would have done to you in the end? Make you have one double mini-art instead of a triple. Meanwhile, the arts you'd wear on 'naked' fights would more than make up for that. You'd have a slight loss of power when you were fully dressed, but that's it. And of course, for PVP, everybody has that same loss.

Hardly worth crying about.
To 361:
I am not against donating and also have donated for fun and economic acceleration and I am not against a boost for donation.
I am against putting such obstacles that can be confronted only through donating ;-)
oh, urgone, where did you learn that math? lvl9 and probably halfway to lv10? LOOOL!!!!!!!!! he would have had half of his fights at the maximum, so, level 5? :D

post 363 contains the best math i ever heard about!
Last but not least:
I think that it is obvious to everyone that people should now select the battles they participate, instead of trying a battle to see what happens.
This is Less battles.
Playing an easy battle and getting few gp and xp is far more exciting than waiting for a convenient battle.
Creatures get tougher the more often you fight a specific kind of creature. As more kinds of creatures are put into the mix, that will make the hunting increases slower (because you'll fight the same creature less often). So hunting over time while become easier with the changes.

Meanwhile, Barnabas I see in your last page of fights, that you fought
Angels (2)
Angels (2) (again)
Angels (3)
Behemoths (8)
and Behemoths (10)

Surely those stacks were as weak as 1/3 forces normally are, and at least as often. You're 8th level, and you're getting the numbers that 5th level characters are supposed to get. Why not take advantage?
Um, CGSM, have you tried hunting with minimum AP gear on? Have you tried fighting duels with minimum AP gear on both you and your opponents? Have you compared your experience award doing that to what you get wearing no gear against opponents wearing no gear?

Try it. You may be very surprised.
for urgone:
i think you need my previous posts: >>> i don't want experience now, but faction points because i need initiative <<< is it so hard for you to understand english?

yes im saying because you DO get experience, but you HAVE TO USE ARTS, its paying gold, not time (without experience, just skill, you're paying some time IMO, like if you could actually hunt or thieve or merc quest or PvP etc.)
Yes, I know...

You "need" faction points because everybody beefs up faction points. If nobody had those faction points, you wouldn't "need" them.

I know, you think because you're an elf you "need" faction points more than other races. Well, if we were starting over, then maybe you wouldn't be an elf. Considering that elves are far and away the most popular race, I think we'd manage to survive.

At any rate, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Barnabas. He'd have about double the experience points he has now, if the rules were in effect from the beginning. The bad news is, he'd have been about 1 level behind in mini-arts for his Gargoyles the entire time (either because he was one level behind where he is now in faction, or because he'd be strapped for cash). However, since other players would have the same disadvantage and hunts would improve slower, it wouldn't affect his game all that much.

I know I'm speaking English. Whether you want to understand is up to you.
for urgone:
Aren't you bit arrogant! Do you really think to be a great player? You are only lvl 5, you just started merc quest and you don't know nothing about the hard tasks like thieves' guild.

Kusika loses 1500 match, egorovy 800, and so many others. Are they bad players? No, you just don't have faced anythig but easy fight till now. And you suceeded in collecting nearly 100 loss. Think about it before trying to compare with others, like you made with Barnabas. You are not soo good as you thik!

We understood you love the AP rule. You are not better than others for this. I would have started to use arts in hunts even without this rule, because my hunts are becomeing too difficult. But I don't like to be forced to do that and I have the right to say it. Istead, you haven't the right to blame other players for what they like or don't like.
guys... chill out...
its a game...
dun get stressed on it...
like me :)
haha i love the updates...
even tho my money is low...
well i just want to say...
new update rocks!!
Oh! It seems these changes are liked by the people who are level 5 or coming from the .ru server (some). People who started here and they are higher level than 5 (combat level) dislike the AP rule. It seems quite logic because the restriction for level 5 or below are very low and they don't know what means to start SG or to lose money to the thieves or to try to increase your reputation at MG. On the other hand, diamonds on the Russian server don't have the exchange rate 1 diamond = 1 euro.

In this moment I kill my yellow hunts without arts and most of the red hunts in two without arts. If I am forced to change that, I don't see any fun because my strategy is worthless once that my strength is increased by the arts. And what do I get as experience if I wear arts? Maybe 30% more? From 100 experience points to 130 experience points? Really, it's a waste of money! Money I can use to repair arts or money I can use to buy new arts for my MQ's. It's a pity some people here have no sense of money at all. And for them, I have a question: do you really throw your money on the window in the real life? Lucky guys that you have so much money you afford to do that.
i like the new option for groupbattles :-)
i like the new option for groupbattles :-)

what do u mean?

which new option are u referring to?
- I've newer met a single one of this phantomatic "loser loser loser" players
- I agree, I never saw somebody like urgone is describing and it has nothing to do with AP rule

dear lordmates, i guess we need an Inadequate_post_restricting.csv script to dignify this place a bit. rule number 3.20.500 or whatever of your forum rules should contain "Think before posting! Not post before thinking! Think, analyse, reconsider if necessary, and not until then post."

let us take a look at this little sly: meet Wild_Shooter (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4363896). only level 3 but look at his fsp - that's right, it's 6! now look at his win/loss ratio. nearly twice more loses than victories. not a loser, eh?

now, for the whimmers who will oppose with "but who cares, but let him play as he wants, but he doesn't disturb anybody, but he blah-blah-blah --> what we just said? think, and then post! here is why this oversight in the game rules will actually drive back new players:

presume for a moment, that you just saw a banner of the game somewhere. it looks nice and you hop into the register page. full of enthusiasm and already have read the game manual, descriptions with many claims for fairplay, blocked cheaters, many restrictions to ensure nobody gets advantage, etc., after some play you find yourself on level 3. great! a new tournament is announced, some christmas events... you pay the fee to enter the tournament and well prepaired with arts and tactics you manage to win couple of battles. then you meet who? our little sly doggy Wild_Shooter_boy with his fsp-6, against whom you have no chance at all. then, normally, you ask somebody "how come he was so powerful in this duel?" the answer you'll get will be: "oh, that's because he have lost many, many battles in the past." would you continue to play the game with the same enthusiasm... or play it at all?!

don't get me wrong. i have nothing against high fsp. but achieving it with loses and small village tricks should not be tolerated.
look for example on my fsp. it's not super-high, but it's above average for my level. now look at my win/loss ratio. or leave me aside, look at CGSMCMLXXV or many other fair players. it COULD be achieved with honourable play and by winning, but it's just far more harder than losing in purpouse.

and now the new "inprovements" only cut our chance to play for the win and receive even small benefit from this.
Good post, Georgia! Few comments still. That "sly doggy" guy will receive now more experience point, so, instead of leaving him behind, you will have him with you all the time. The new system will ensure that for you. So, to add few words at your final sentence, the new "improvements" will favor these kind of guys more than before.

PS: Thanks for your remark about me! :) Still, I would prefer to be left aside from the positive examples because I am not that good in this game. I know many people much better than me and they deserve more credits. But, thanks anyway! :)
that was just an example with the first nickname in front of my eyes (few posts above).

I know many people much better than me and they deserve more credits
that is exactly what i meant with CGSMCMLXXV or many other fair players :}

and one more thing - i never said that ""improvements" will favor these kind of guys more than before."
the sentence was new "inprovements" only cut our chance to play for the win and receive even small benefit from this.
...correct quotations, pls

but this is not the important part of the post, forget it... just a personal opinion in contrast to other statements, which are a facts.
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