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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Count me out then. IRL is bad enough as it is. Don't need my digital life to be filled about debates on things that shouldn't be debated IMO>.

Mods, you can go ahead and delete my posts if you want.
I bet the mods are slightly worried about this conversation as it is.

Meh, I see one person trying to not have a debate and the other trying to have a debate.

If people wish to debate and worry about rules, they can take it to PMs.

At the end of the day, this is the admin's game and they set the rules, it is for us to follow whether we agree or not. You may debate here if you really want to, but I don't think it would bear any fruit.

If the only way of being profitable it so do something wrong, then that business should not exist.

Good moral point, but I doubt many industries are clear of doing things some perceive as morally wrong.
About the rule:
Homosexuality was illegal till 2003, and it is illegal to talk about it since 2013 in Russia.
for Calamity:With a bit or research I believe the not talking about it is with regard to minors under child protection laws, not for all the public. Of course given that their is no age restriction on this game, it may be reasonable that this law is then applied to here.

This links into a point I was going to say with regard to a comment I made earlier, where moral points are clear they tend to get written into law and thus provide an imperative by which businesses must abide by them. Though with this case in point, which moral points should be written into law are obviously not uniformly agreed.

I think if one thinks of the average viewpoint that seems to pervade a sufficient proportion of Russia judged by the results of this poll where 40% of people in Russia support commitment to mental institutions or isolating homosexuals, while 5% support execution, then further conversation on this area within the bounds of this game are much more contentious than i would expect from what I am familiar with.
I am 1000% with you on the morale thing, earth would be a better place for all to live if...
Groucho Marx had described this times so well when he said "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others".

That's the problem with theocratic countries where state and church don't have clear borders.
Greece is also under the same church and they still have a huge impact on law and politics, for the worse always.

(And while the worse that can be done to us is get banned here, a Russian could or would get imprisoned for his/her comments)
Do you know what hyena riders are?
Here, let me remind you.

What an awful troop for a barbarian to have. *facepalm*
I wonder why trying to find truth in millenia old texts could cause conflicts with modern lifestyles.
for siddi1111:
They are meant to be defensive because of their infecting strike. That is deadly.
:) Hi everybody.
I'm back again.
Alot of new faces around here..also old ones still remain.

Where is Optimus?
Dead. Roulette is for the insane :P

It'll either drive you crazy with wins or losses
Oh he never came back?

I remember you Siddi
I remember you too! i just don't remember which account i used when i was your friend lol :P
for Elvian:

Lol. Tell me your old account names. I might remember.
do you remember Fector?
No. Try something else. Gimme a whole list haha
I logged into that account after 7 years to check if i had PM's from you...no luck lol.

I really that it would be that one because that's the only one i played properly before this account...
Did you have other accounts?low level ones
Maybe he had loads but doesn't want to admit to anything :P
Oh I had loads yeah. What dont I want to admit? Yeah I did have shady transfers back when I was a kid and didnt know better.

for DetherocEvil:
There was Scerlien which was my first account. But that's not the one either.

Dunno anymore lol. Oh well but I'm sure I knew you :P
for Elvian:

Cant be helped, I was very social and pretty famous before :p
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