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The Numbers Game


AuthorThe Numbers Game
Speaking on the topic of being punished for a law infringement, here's a few scenarios which might be of some importance.

Player A has a multi-network. He builds it with almost 10 characters constantly feeding 1 main for some months on the quiet, and is accidentally discovered by an anonymous player who decides to make a report on the forums. The next day after the report, all the characters are blocked and the player can't log in to any of them. He was NOT aware of the rules regarding multi-networks.

Player B has a multi-network. He has a few characters just like Player A does, and has spent an equal amount of time on it. Along comes a moderator who messages him regarding his rule infringement, but he ignores the warning and continues his acts till he himself is blocked like Player A.

Player C, the same with the multi-networks. Yet this time, he is warned and TAKES the warning seriously, immediately halting all his illegal acts, returning what he can to a legal state. He is blocked anyhow.

How do we judge these players, and many others in different cases, based on their actions? In order to save what players we can from being discouraged from playing after being punished for rule breaks, we need to know what actions deserve a direct ban, or other forms of punishment, while also considering all avenues in which a player can give an excuse or a reason for acting in a way he/she did (BOTD - benefit of the doubt).

Of course, it is very situational, but until we can set a aside a list of practices to deal with these cases, I see very little that can be done to deter ex-rule breakers from leaving the game after being severely punished.

One small suggestion - for blocked characters, when a person tries to sign in to that account, a display should show up showing what rule had been broken to the player. At least then such players have a chance to know what was wrong with their actions, and *might* encourage them to start anew.

Just my point of view. :)
well...I am quit curious now, what is the number of players being blocked every month? And what is the number of players who registered every month?

I think those numbers are very important for our discussion.
Day by day new players are having more and more difficulty to play.In low lvls the hunter records are almost permanently fixed. AI updates have made hunts harder and finally after the grand update 2, you would earn less than you spend.How can we expect more people to join when every update discourages them(very few like new tourneys encourage them) ? Take the case of hunt records .A new player kills the exact amount of creatures as a record holder and against a tougher AI and finds himself below or not in records. The low earning and high expense prompts him to do illegal activities or take roulette and finally quit. I took roulette bcause of high price of TGI. I found an simple idea to make profit from roulette even though I have bad luck.And I earned 80K .But about 2 weeks ago , my bad luck worsened and I faced a good loss which made be frustrated and bet recklessly to reach -2540,000 . Now I am again following my strat and slowly earning.If my bad luck again leads me to loss, I would quit.I am not ready to buy TGI even at 900k just from enrolls and later face huge loss being forced to sell at lower price.

I tried to invite some of my school mates here.But no one joined bcause some didn't like fantasy. But the main reason was that they didn't like the drag of the game.You have to spend a very long time in here to enjoy a little. They didn't like to be active so much to enjoy a litle.They enjoyed facebook much much better and even invited me there.
I completly agree with Jedi-knight and like the lessons out of Arcanyx.
It is my view that Justice shall never be blind.
It is utopic to think that beginer should know the rules, even if they clicked so. All they want to do is try the game. If they continue it is because they like the game.
I prefer to tell them that what they are doing is wrong and illegal and if they continue they will be blocked or fined depending on the infraction. Then he has the choice to abide to the rules or not . If he does'nt it is because he does'nt care about the game.
Any extreme action for me without prior notice is completly inacceptable. It is a mentality i cannot accept.

As for another subject, it is only during the Unholy war that i realized there was an inquiry room where i could talk with either people or clan mates. And i was level 10.
So how do you expect newbies to know all that.
Sure i am a man and i never read the instructions, but who reads them, be honest. Surely not at the begening. For me i did when i joined the WG because it said to abide to the rules so i lokked.
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