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Now they have a lighthouse and a pier too in port city. Maybe...

(I hope and hope and hope...)
Port city makes me wonder :P
think twice
what about if mercenary quest send you to their capital?=)
What about the clan signs you see if you go to top players. Do they cost something? Seems that we are getting them here, too.
2.5kk =)

Emblems are prerogative of War Clans.

what a nasty way to get players donating. ^^
well, let's say "neat", not "nasty". ;)
hardly anybody donates for that :}. these are clan money. many players on .ru have LG 6 and avobe.
Actually, for all complains like 'ZOMG EviL aDminS aRe EXTORTING MoNey from PlaYers O_O' (in Russian, of course :) quite a few clans found enough golld to upgrade to new status :)

There's a War clan of 20 people, y'know - the famous here Witch Hammer (MG quests, anyone? :)
Yeah yeah, I'm quiet. ;)
you don't have to be quiet. this is your opinion, after all :}

however, before complaining, let't just try for a moment to realize what amount of work is done before all the war-clan updates are presented...
at least it's up to players if they donate or not, i didn't want to complain about this. :)
You need to have an emblem (and to pay for it, i mean) to fight in the future clan wars? This could change many things in how you manage a little clan.
You need to have an emblem (and to pay for it, i mean) to fight in the future clan wars?

Not quite. Emblem is more of a side perk :) You pay for upgrading the clan to War clan - that allows to create clan battles in Wars (like in Dragon event)
Also war clans are supposed to protect/control territories. No one knows yet what exactly it means.
It means the empire shall start an auction where the warclans shall join.....each of the territory then will be given to the warclans for lease..........you shall then have the authority to collect tax from the citijens, caravans,( unofficially from theves)...........to make profit you shall then, in behalf of your clan, torture the poor villager to extort money from them or you shall set their house on fire..........the villager......pushed to corner.....will start revolt.......and they shall call the dwarfs for help...............they shall come.............we shall have fight...........and at last....our present admin will become a thiev...and OLD LEPRECHUAN WILL BE OUR LADER..............STORY FINISHED.......

You seem to know more about it than Admins ;P
Thanks to booth of you. Shebali for the info, SOUVIK for the story!! ^__^
For those familiar with the Russian server is there any additional information available concerning these clan wars? Is this an upcoming feature on that server or has it already started?

I am asking because the tiny clan I am a member of (almost 100% Russian/Ukrainian except for a few players like me) is asking me to pay high weekly taxes now (I am probably one of the poorest players in the game lol) so they can quickly get 2.5 million gold to participate in future clan wars on this server.

I have been told conflicting information about these so-called "clan wars" from players here with some suggesting my clan is not telling me the truth...although this thread suggests otherwise...

No clan wars on .ru so far.

Also, registration cost here will be lower than 2.5kk.

I don't think there's that much hurry to gather gold - there's nothing to suggest clan wars (or war clans) will be implemented soon.
Shebali: thanx for the information...sounds like it could be an interesting future feature ("I don't think there's that much hurry to gather gold --> wish there was a way of conveying this/convincing my clan of this...I may be clanless soon...)
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