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Authorelves faction topic
Hi everyone,

still a new elf @ level 5. Not sure how to divide my troops nicely. Sprites , Fks, Bowmen and druids, max out druids reduce my FKs down by 4, wanna max out sprites but little hp and little damage. Any suggestions? Thanks a lots!
sprites are more powerful than fk if used correctly
max out druids and bow and have sprite for the rest
use druids as wall against low damage creatures and sprites against high damage or large creatures
Thanks mihira.

I have 3 sets of talents in mind.( plus with my arts)

+5 morale, o luck
+4 morale, 1 luck
+3 morale, 2 luck

, which is better? comments please. thanks.

I found it pretty hard to fight in caravans at lvl 7 unless you have EFK, once I got them at lvl 8, everything became so much easier :P
i know but actually i'm lvl 7 and have lots of trouble with those caravans. No advices on how to beat them?
Continue from 643

Anyone free to comment too. Thanks.
i would prefer 5 morale so you can really predict when morale happens
see here:
anvcorse as much as more luck bowmen deal 300 dmg each shot if luck+favored and sprites+luck and placed correctly its deadly for your enemy

Thanks Van GM, 5 morale will be powerful. But no luck at all, how to deal double damage?

Maybe you could share your view on this?

Others feel free to comment.

well you deal extra damage with your extra moves
that might not be the perfect way for thiefing (where the first turn is imo nearly always the most deciding one) but for a group duel it will definately work
yep duel is much better moral but luck is realy good for hunts
Thanks for the tips. +5 morale really powerful in duels. =)
elf gets weaker and weaker as you grow... too bad I haven't worked on a different faction, now it's too late to change.
depend in what in hunting were the best
Elven is wear faction at pvp and thief after lv10, but they are great on hunting :)
I mean weak Lols.
I hope I can ask this here...but is the only way to raise talent points by leveling up? Is there no other way?
U gain 10 talent points at lv5, lv6 and above will gain 5 talent points. No other way to raise ur talent point.
So Currently Im an elf and lvl 7.

After reading ur comments should I change my faction?

I think elves are quite powerful as they are good at both melee and ranged and magic (Anchorites,Druids) so what difficulties do you people face with elves.

If I should change faction then I think I better do it before reaching some even better lvl. Till now I am happy with elves.

So can anyone just tell me what is the probs with elves at higher lvls?
My exprience is, elven start get weak in pvp at lv10 and 11.

Why? Efks battle dance is good ability, but their speed is 6, if their can not close to enermy, they are totally useless.

Elven bowmen, their ini lower orc cheifs, they will die before u shot out a single arrow. If u are in bad luck, skeleton bowmen, cyclops , liches, succubi/misstesses or magi/lore keeper will get they turn 1st. (I fought in some 3v3, my bowmen ini is 12.4 and skeleton bowmen ini is 12.1, but skeleton get they turn 1st :D)

For ambush, lv10 can win easy with full art. But at lv11 with tree floks i feel weak, I recruiting sprites, efks, elven bowmen, druids, unicorn and tree folk, The problem is ur druids only splite to 2 stacks, so ur bowmen will get hit easy. So i try to recruit 0 tree flok. (We have no tie 6 creture compare to other faction) as result, my wining rate is around 50% only... (mayb i noob :P)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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