Author | elves faction topic |
i go for sp
ur spells r more effective |
Are you planning your future already? You have know idea how a magic elf will look like. Its not the same as HoMM. And first of all you will need knowledge and Magic Guild level 1 to even have ANY spells =.= |
I'm going to give it a shot and see if it's worth the talent build ;) Otherwise I'll stick to summoning Unicorns, EFK and Bows... or I might drop it down to just EFK and Bows if I can get Rally, Basic Nature and some Luck going on :D
Hehe, and yeah I meant 3 knowledge, not 30 o_O that would be absurd for any faction, even Wizard.
Either way, I have noticed that more mana does really help. More attack and defense are nice, but neither make as much of an impact at the higher levels when you can fill those gaps with arts. Summoning more phantoms is a great alternative to raising when your blockers die (yes, I've summoned a stack of 5 dru on many an occasion to ensure a win).
I just got Merc 4 and put the point into knowledge; though I have yet to really be able to experiment with triple summoning. I'm waiting to finish enchanting my set before I give it any serious thought. |
I see. For me, use advanced nature magic to summon tree folk worthless. It's wasted alot of talent point :D |
can tell me how to fight vaguard of wizard lvl 6 |
Use 1 sprites to block garg to attack ur wall.
use druid attack ger, bowmen shot golem and fks kill garg.
below is example use sprites block to garg. |
whats a good talent build for a level 7 with sprites i see alot of poeple with rally what about battle fury im to lazy to look though all this |
sorry if asked before, but too long to read all replies :s
im a noob elf, and i was wonderin,at lvl 9, is most useful leadership + rally or expert fortune?? (for ambushes and hunt mainly)
thx |
Rally and luck is best at level 9; at least for ambushes. Hunts and merc missions can be dealt with using expert fortune, but an amulet of luck with rally and (basic fortune?) works as well. |
for matt__777:
for level 7 the best still luck I think .. for hunting and mercenaries against non-magic Units
For ambushing and against magic units, like Magis, lorekeepers and Druids also Anchorites, try Rally .. Why ?? Coz u will very much need more troops .. coz their spells will kill u very fast :) |
hi guys where should i put my point that i recieve from MG 2 im more of a might elf than magic |
attack |
are u sure?? can u give reasons please |
if u are more of a might elf than magic i would also recommend attack. |
if you dont like magic (bless, rapid, haste, raise dead) then just put all points in attack
Else put a few (1 or 2) in knowledge and maybe 1 in spellpower |
does anyone know or tested whether dominion of wrath(mass rapid) works better than ROA in group battles? |
Here is my question:
I just hit lvl 6 and upgraded to efk. This evening i am going to start thiefing.
To save me some time i would like to know which troop setup would be the best.
I can choose between:
13 (sprites) 28 (efk) 9 (bowmen) 6 (druids) or
1 28 14 6 or
0 17 14 9 or
13 20 14 6
any hints would be welcome.
Also another question:
What artefacts should i wear from tg 0-1 and tg 1-2 ?
For Talents i plan to go for luck.
Thx in advance
Rush |
you should go for 1-2 sprites , full efk and elven bowmen and less druid ...
artifacts , wear full arts...
1-2 sprites is to berak their defence.. |
from 0-1 : NO RINGS, reprisal, hauberk, chain helmet, def shield, and amulet of luck .. that is enough, for the talents : Adv Luck :)
From 1 - 2 : if u still at level 6, the same like above but + cape of winds --> important against caravan of DE and caravan of Wizards :)
if u at level 7, then buy steel boots + helmet + cape of winds (A MUST) :) for the armor, hauberks is enough :) I wore hauberks at my TG 1-3 even :) and almost TG 4 now .. and without any shrews .. :)
For EFKS, bring max and try to open space .. wait if u not sure can attack the shooters directly with EFKS :) Sprites are important for open holes :)
Happy trying :) |
If you're lvl 6 w/efk thieving is easy =)
I'd recomend 13 (sprites) 28 (efk) 9 (bowmen) 6 (druids)
Wear a few defence arts to get 8-9 def and something in you right hand (obviously) and ammy of luck. Should be fun =) |