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I have loads of questions left to be answered (701)

I have an alt (head-shot)

1.does druids better off with using stoneskin/shooting rather than lightning/shooting?

lighting with low number,stone with more than 3 druids

2.does the def of a stack increase when i def my fk and it has stoneskin?


3.oppositely, will def increase if i def first, and then stoneskin?

not on the same time,but will increase the next time you defence

4.are elven bowmen nessesary for lvl 5, i mean succubuses are very abnormal =S


5.should i decrease druids to get max fk? or elven? or maybe just get normal(24 fk, 12 elven bowmen and 6 druids)

it's up to you,but I will suggest you upgrade spirits

6.which is better, splitting druids in 3 parts(2 ea.) or 5 parts?

1stack with 3druid to cast stone, rest separate

7.druids use lightning over the sword or the griff?


8.talent& army build please

5>fortune or ROA, 6> fortune, 7>battle fury

9.are we good at merc?

don't do escort,others are fine

10.what is the best settlement when handling monsters?

sorry,I have no idea.

hope to get answers from advanced players and fast one too!
what tactics should i use against

2dark elves

by the the way i' lv 3
1 Knight : Divide fks in 1-1-(remaining) and 3 faeries in 1-1-1 to guard ur elven bmen(elven bmen in corner and faeries around them) but faeries may get killed due to volley ability.

First Shoot his Bmen (swords are slow to reach you in time) After Bmen are killed atk swords till they come in range of ur elven bmen and also when they come in range of ur fks make 1 fk take retal of swords and then main stack of fks go atk then again atk or can run (fks have better init then swords) and when swords come near use elven bmen to shoot them.

Take Favoured Enemy Racial as Swords
for shark-k:

1) divide elven bowmen 2*5. then put them at the back. shoot bowmen first then swords.weaken the sword with hero and some 0.5/0.25 shooting power.

2) hm.. get more ini than opponent, by hunt lvl and racial. Same setup as knight

3) DE, same setup but aim for rogues. then the mino.

4) demons, well, they are too good to me. I can;t help you

5) barbs are easy. just same setup. kill the orcs.

6) wizz atk golem first
for Terengganu:

3) I wonder whos going to die first with your setup.. hmm interesting... rogues or EBs?

5) barbs are easy.

ROFL, EBs will die first due to lower ini.

for shark-k:
4) 1 stack bow in corner, protected with faeries. Make many 1 fk stacks to both take retal and protect bowmen. Shoot hounds first.
divide elven bowmen 2*5. then put them at the back

that works for everything except for against de and knight dues to volley/earthen spikes

or else you will get annihilated.

barbs are easy.

pfff they are the hardest for elves at lvl 3-4
orcs kill eb really fast then wolfs can kill fk also
for 725:

i think once barbs get their orcs, they automatically become elf-killers.

i don't remember having many easy times against barbs.
for lobsterkid:

i can kill a barb i have done it twice in the last 2 days out of 2 tries they are not that hard at lvl 7 atleast all u have to do is make many group of one eb:

beat a barb with when i had 1 def he actually had more arts if i remember right
watch it
if he had splitted up too he would have won easily
if he had splitted up too he would have won easily

yh but barb would much rather have many group of 1 hob then split orcs i have never seen someone make many groups of orcs ;)

this just shows every faction is equal and it is all based on strategy
this time barb split too
for hiddenshadow:

Oh really? I played this game MORE than you, I have been an elf LONGER than you, I am a BETTER person than you, and BTW, your just an AMATEUR player. Think BEFORE you say. The hero will kill those faeries with spikes! You dont think before talking do you!?

for shark-k:

stick to what I say. divide elven bowmen is the best setup.putting those useless faeries would just be killed by the spikes from hero. Just aim those rogues. get avengers guild. train your racial lvl.

for lobsterkid:

well, yeah since they start first. but we pwnz thm right! dividing EBs will make a limit to the EBs killed. we pwnz too much xD!

for diversecity:

they work for each faction except for demon =S

and for barbs. pff... easy.
for diversecity and terengganu:
yes i see both ur points of view and i respect the tactics. at level 7, those tactics seem to work. however, i still think barbs are not easy.

don't get me wrong, i'm not being arrogant or trying to start an argument here but maybe u both will change ur views when at higher levels. imo, elves are strongest at level 8 but after that elves become easy meat for almost every faction. but what do i know? im just a noob :)
well...in diversecity's battle,he get +13%ini and his opponent only have +3%
what if barb has +10%ini?(elves gets 3% for racial ability)
for Terengganu:

ROFL I am an amateur player??? How many combats have you done? Yeah you played longer but playing 1 combat per day doesnt make you an old player. A better person? I remember you have a most hated mod list. yeah yeah. Exactly use spikes on faeries thats what you want the hero to do, waste their mana. 1 direct attack from hero also kills your faeries, think before YOU say.
for hiddenshadow:

why would the hero use direct attack? he have spike power, 5 mana isn;t a waste, for an AMATEUR player that is, pfff...!
Faeries always go before heroes, you can always fly out and come back, and only faeries are cheap enough and have enough ini to keep up with rogues for many turns. The thing is you should keep 1 or 2 faeries around to guard your bowmen. Leaving bowmen vurnurable or using better units to guard bowmen is NOT an option vs rogues, not for NON-AMATEUR players, pfff...!
can you guys stop fighting?
here is not the place for arguing

lv3 de only have 7 rogues,
and I don;t think they can reach bow before they die.
lv3 DE have 11+ DE AFAIK, that =half of the bowmen down. You already get 7 rogues when you start the game.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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