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AuthorBuilding a house for lordswm!
* For those who have no idea what we're talking about:

We're building a house for LordsWM. To help us you just need to follow this link


And that's it. You don't need to do anything else. Every 'click' from one IP adress gives us one brick :) (you can check the link from one IP once every 12 hours, other clicks don't count)

The more clicks we get, the better our house is, and the closer it is to center of map.
All clicks - 946

Rate: 786

Going well, no? :)
Too lazy to go through 10 pages of post...so what's the next mark again?
for Zyanya:
what's the next mark again?
That would be 1800 clicks - which means we're halfway there ;)
And we get what at 1800 clicks?
Why, new roof of course :) Big surpize here :>

Red roof, to be more specific.

But the mark after that - that's when the house really changes, gets a doggy and all...
Also it doesn't hurt to repeat good instruction made by spartan300 ^^

step 1
go to

step 2
put on
left side "click and support"

right side

"""don't forget to click "save" """

step 3
every time you log in to https://www.lordswm.com/
click on
"click and support"

Up you go, the only sencible topic in the sea of flood ;)
+ xclick
Thankies =)
+ click

All clicks - 997

Rate: 835
wasso,we prob got 1000 clicks now
All clicks - 1009 <--- here's your thousand, allright =)

Rate: 835

Too bad the topic won't stay on top for long :P
Too bad the topic won't stay on top for long :P
sorry, because spartan the flooder have other "business" on other thread...
i guess there is not going to stop until the tread reach 2009 post...
for spartan300:

Nevermind :) I'll lock your topic once it reaches 2009 posts, and then LWM House shall rule the off-game forum once again!

Mwa-ha-ha!!! XD
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM