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Building a house for lordswm!


AuthorBuilding a house for lordswm!
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // SHL. Don't do that.]
right.. too bad, huh?
its blue when i see the house, when i click it turns to yellow.
It is a yellow house on the map now =)
WAT HAPPENS when we reach 1800 clicks ?
step 1
go to

step 2
put on
left side "click and support"

right side

step 3
every time you log in to https://www.lordswm.com/
click on
"click and support"

easy job, just do it while you wait for healing
for spartan300:
Thanks! This is very well put ^.^

WAT HAPPENS when we reach 1800 clicks ?
The house gets red roof. Sounds exiting, no? ;)
All clicks - 871
Today clicks - 48 so far ^^

Rate: 675
:P 50+ clicks now today
step 1
go to

step 2
put on
left side "click and support"

right side

"""don't forget to click "save" """

step 3
every time you log in to https://www.lordswm.com/
click on
"click and support"

Nice =)
All clicks - 895
Today clicks - 21

Rate: 724
Chat mods promised to help, once... Or at least one mod did ^^
+ click

All clicks - 915

Rate: 756
Chat mods promised to help, once

I'm a chat mod now, I'll help from now too. :)
for Zyanya:

All clicks - 930
Today clicks - 24

Rate: 756
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // SHL. Don't do that.]

whats shl?
Spreading Harmful Links

3.23. Spreading Harmful Links (SHL) is prohibited. SHL means giving reference through any of the game media to sites containing any of the following:
-materials of indecent or insulting content;
-other online games or their advertising;
-options of earnings through the Internet;
-polls on subjects not concerning the game;
-counters of visits (clicks), unless they are related to the game;
-a request to enter one's character's password.
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