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AuthorBuilding a house for lordswm!
now we have our own fountain guys ^_^
* For those who have no idea what we're talking about:

We're building a house for LordsWM. To help us you just need to follow this link


And that's it. You don't need to do anything else. Every click from one IP adress gives us one brick :) (you can check the link from one IP once every 12 hours, other clicks don't count)

The more clicks we get, the better our house is, and the closer it is to center of map.

Why are we doing it?
Part of visitors of internet map sees our house, so it's an advertisement of sorts. And a small way to thank the Administration :)
fooding, flooding, upping, upping.
that fountain is not ours :P
its just part of the map, every 30 minutes we have a new location lol
when we gonna have a snoop doggy like our neighbours :}
If you want a doggy you have to click for it :) Specificaly - you need to click 3000 times ;)

Clicks so far - 595

Rate: 410
i'd rather ask xo4yxa to make a script for it
That's cheating :P
he's a quiet guy... won't tell anyone ;}
It's a matter of honor :P
lol nice one :D
Awwww... It's no joke you know... Why is it that people only take my words seriously after I ban them T.T

Hmmmm... :>
talking to me or trying to make a scary reputation?
what is no joke to you?
It's a matter of honor :P

This is no joke >.<

All clicks - 620

Rate: 454
you call xo4yxa's scripts dishonourable ? ;} ... he'll be broken-hearted
you call xo4yxa's scripts dishonourable ?
Never said that :P But you're proposing a dishonorable (if practical :) way to use them.

We'll click manualy :>
i'd rather ask xo4yxa to make a script for it

well, youd only get to click twice as much anyways
All clicks - 638
Today clicks - 34

Rate: 454
Awwww... It's no joke you know... Why is it that people only take my words seriously after I ban them T.T

Why ban, when sometimes a simple explanation of the 'error' is enough? ;)
for StorminMerlin:
The key word is sometimes ;)
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