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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
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any level 5 knight having problems with DE then see this -
any level 5 knight having problems with DE then see this

I just finished lvl 5, and imho, if 2 equal standard players, and using similar arts, were to do a duel, and 1 play Knight and the other Elf. Elf would win >80% of the time.
I just finished lvl 5, and imho, if 2 equal standard players, and using similar arts, were to do a duel, and 1 play Knight and the other Elf. Elf would win >80% of the time.

Correct. Actually if the elf have right tactics it would be impossible for the knight to win unless he gets extremely lucky.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // off-topic]
how to kill elves at level 5 ?
how to kill elves at level 5 ?

Almost impossible unless u wear close to/full arts or a huge dose of luck, sadly. :/

Correct. Actually if the elf have right tactics it would be impossible for the knight to win unless he gets extremely lucky.

In a normal battle, coz of the ALL the Elf's troops's high initiative (coupled with the knight's predominately slow initiative troops (except the griffin) by the time the SM reach the Elven Bowmen & Druids, it's be the SM against the Elf's (close to) whole army.

Like I said in another post, it don't really matter what tactics/strategies/layout u use, you can't even use them if in 80-90% of the battles with elves at lvl 5, all the knight's troops didn't even get to go ONE turn BEFORE they get killed. SIGH..

** On the bright side, I read that we'll kick to kick their cute little butts at a higher level. Not sure if it's true or not. :p **
it is nice that at lvl 6 lot of guys go in easy arts and are not enough smart. Thieves guild was always successful against players.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // off-topic]
Anyone a tip of how to beat vanguard of DE {10}? About 100 shrews (high initiative), 100 poisoners (extremely dangerous ranged units) and after those about 50 hydras (slow but strong unit). And i think that dispersion does not help too much.
can i kill a skeletal bowmen monster if yes then by what recruiting ?

i wonder why is the same question repeat over and over again. that's why i dont reply in knight thread so often. most question just repeated and most answer can be found in game manual

well, EVEN the MG quest should start with AT LEAST lv5, but it doesnt mean you CAN complete all the quests. give up the mission if you cant complete it and get other. no point to keep waiting and ask other about the possibilities to win the quest, i rather wait another 20 mins for new quest.

for me, i had give up the all escort quest, vanguard quest and invader quest. it is almost impossible with min ap. i could just wait my lv go up then try the quest again or with better art.

by the way, this is how i deal with cyclops monster 2, perhaps it can give you the idea on how to deal with the range monster in future.

a good MQ
Anyone have tried 2 rings of abdication on hero? Does it help against fast creatures like DE or elf's? Or is just a waste of money?
For me it was a waste of money.. so I got back to use 2 Ring of inspiration.
for crys41: TO face high inits like DE and Elves then split ur bow into 3 - 4 stacks same numbers per stack .. then ur bow will not die too fast .. They are the baits .. :) Griffins to kill the first target backed-up by SM and Monks .. :) morale will give many more turns .. :)
676: Thanks, i'll try to buy some rings (even if that mean to engage in click wars), seems there is no other way.
No answer to 670, maybe MH set will help more than full arts?
well...sadly to say quest such as army,invader,and vanguard won't get hunter sets' bonus
#678 :

Hunter set bonus actually work for all the merc quests.
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