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Author | All about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
for sry: stay on TG .. till the end of level 8 u will have had to reach level 4 of TG .. :)
Avoid MG except raid (tier-1 or 2), HG just Grey and Green .. :) do MG when u loose at TG .. :) | i just got to lv 8 as i cant afford crossbowmen yet should i still group battles or focus on merc and hunts to get money so i then can upgrade | I would stay out of group battles until you get your crossbows. Otherwise you will be at a disadvantage and probably anger your teammates. | What is the best combinations of FULL MH SET for Knights level 7 ???
Currently by default Attack : 4, defence 10 .. :) (no arts) | thanks | Hi all,
I just got to lvl 5 like 2 minutes ago, and I'm so excited !
I just bought the Griffin bastion, and I noticed that I can also buy Magic Guild level 1. Now, my Q is this -
1) I can just managed to buy it, but it cost a lot (for my lvl anyway) to buy the Magic Guild level 1 -
Cost: Gold: 5,000, Wood: 5, Ore: 5, Mercury: 3, Sulfur: 3, Crystal: 3 Gems: 3. Do a Knight really need magic?
2) These are the magic powers that is written I will be getting - Holy and Darkness Magic schools: Rapid, Delay, Bless, Curse.
What does these magic do? Is there a link I can read about it?
3) Do I get all the above magic immediately after I bought Magic Guild level 1? Or do I have to do something else?
Thanks in advance. :)
Excited Knight | Oh, now that I (may) have magic powers, do I put the +1 point I got from leveling up to Magic, knowledge or still put on attack or defense?
Thanks. | Hi all,
Dang, sorry to ask so many Qs, but so much thing to do once u reach level 5, and not much idea how/what to do.
I saw saw I have 10 talent points, and I read somewhere that using it to get Escort is the best. My Q is -
(Continue from top, #547 is Q5)
6) Since Escort only requires 5 Talent points, should I buy 2 Escorts, so I can use both in battle?
7) If I can't (or no use to) buy 2 Escort, what do I do with the other 5 Talent points, since those I can buy are all cost more than 5 Talent points?
8) I see some arrows on the Talent Wheel, what do they mean? Or is there a link I can read about the Talent Wheel?
9) What I see on the talent wheel, does it mean that, AS A KNIGHT, I can buy ANY of the talent that's "highlighted" (not faded out), and I'll be able to use it as a Knight?
Thanks again in advance. :) | 548
take basic luck - it is best for 5 lvl | Oh, now that I (may) have magic powers, do I put the +1 point I got from leveling up to Magic, knowledge or still put on attack or defense?
Do you build Magic guild? Seeing your stats - no, so it is no sense to take knowledge.
You can't buy 2 Escort
Arrow show you needed talents. | Do you build Magic guild? Seeing your stats - no, so it is no sense to take knowledge.
No, I have not bought it yet, but I can. I just wanna ask If I should buy it BEFORE I go and buy it. I don't wanna waste my gold and buy it, then find out that a knight don't need magic(!) :) | take basic luck - it is best for 5 lvl
So take Basic Luck, and not Escort, you mean? Hmm.. now I'm confuse.. coz someone wrote earlier in this thread that Escort is the "best".. | Escort is really nice in Ambushes, Hunting, and Merc quests. It might not be the best choice for Player v Player, but it has it's moments. At level 5, I would suggest going Escort. In the higher levels, Escort isn't as good. I've played Knight long enough to know (check my racial if needed) :) | escort is good in hunt?! ROFL ROFL ROFL
when 1k goblins attack your griffins - does escort help you?
Escort is usefull for PvP and group fight. | Alright, dived right in and got myself Escort. Thanks Halfrinia.
Now what do I do with my other 5 Talents points? What other ways can I earn Talents points so i can get another Talent with my 5 balance points?
Anyone have any suggestions/opinion on my other Qs? Thanks. | Magic can be useful at level 5, but I chose not to go magic until level 8 when I got crossbows. Remember you can always buy a potion of oblivion for a few thousand gold if you want to change your stats later.
With talents, I found escort to be the most useful at level 5, however, remember you can change your talents at any time (at least for now) so if the situation warrents it, don't be afraid to change for a battle or two. Many players have a couple different talent sets they use depending upon the situation.
Arrows on the talent wheel show you what the prerequisites are for that talent.
You can choose any talent on the wheel provided you have enough talent points and have the prerequisite talents.
You can only get escort once.
You will have all the spells shown in your mage guild level 1, but you won't see them in your spell book in battle unless you have at least 1 knowledge. If you are going to go for magic as a level 5 knight, I would put 1 point into spell power as well, because otherwise your spells only last .5 of a turn. | for sungor:
Hi sungor, thanks for the advise, greatly appreciated.
I looked at this -, which was supposed to explain all the magic spells, and none of the knight's magic is there ?? Wht, is it coz knight magic sux? hahaha...
I think I'll probably take your advice, but just to confirm, what exactly does the knight magic (Holy and Darkness Magic schools: Rapid, Delay, Bless, Curse.) do?
Thanks again. | Is there any way that us knights can beat a necro straight up in a duel?
In this battle, every time it looked like I had a clear shot at the skellies, he kept raising something to block me. I didn't notice any mistakes when I reviewed the game film, but maybe you guys can point out a tactical flaw to me that I might have missed. Thanks! | Is there any way that us knights can beat a necro straight up in a duel?
In this battle, every time it looked like I had a clear shot at the skellies, he kept raising something to block me. I didn't notice any mistakes when I reviewed the game film, but maybe you guys can point out a tactical flaw to me that I might have missed. Thanks!
Wow, If this is the future of lower levels knights like me against other factions, then the future sux. That was not even a close fight.. :/ | You were a little unlucky when those bowmen got luck and kille dyour griffs with 1 shot. Also you should have concentrated on 1 part of the wall, cause every time those zombie could retaliate you your stats got worse for your swordsmen.
Furthermore I think escort is not the best talent (in low arts battles). A friend of mine (knight lvl 9) is a big fan of moral. If you would take expert leadership and rally you would have 4 moral even without arts (in full art battle other combinations might be better since you can get moral from rings), that could have done the trick. |
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