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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
i think the most important thing is - go full armored
maybe even use vitality talent and 40+ bowmen
with about 20-23 defense of hero elf will do nearly no damage
i myself as an elf thief (well i didn't have exactly the very best arts but they aren't bad at all) had absolutely no chance
and split bowmen into 2 big stacks
i just cant stop laughing after reading on some replies.

some just put randomly assumption but not depend on case. some are not playing knight nor have high knight faction skill, but they still reply like they know everything.

we dont have absolute solution for knight to encounter all situations. so, sometimes:

def talent is good;
maybe morale talent will be better;
even offense talent isnt cheap, but it can work well in certain cases;
max sm/guardian is important than max bowmen/xbow in some cases;
you might need max recruit but not bowmen/xbow after you get max sm;
sometimes you can ignore max griffin but get max sm and bowmen/xbow;
magic knight doesnt mean it is suk;
might knight doesnt mean it is awesome;
invest Sp and Kn on knight is another way to play;
only fool will think knight should and only go to might way;

and many more. your tactic and strategy change from time to time.

so, when you are asking something, pls stated out what are you facing. dont just simply ask something like: 'i m lv8 now, what troops setup up is good?'. you will get TONS of random answers to reply your question.
for Pang : What is ur POINT ?? Do not make me laughing, u just put some pointless states .. :(

I suggest for all to have always put primary skill on Defences .. :) that is the best for knights during all my experiences ... :)

If u have more magic, that is cool, but I believe that will be suck, coz Knights magic is not awesome .. :) bless does not ever guarantee that Griffins or X-bow will be great ... :( and be undefeated .. :(

Coz they are SLOWEST, then put defence .. :)

Best regards,


yes, my points are pointless. you can have your laugh.

that is the best for knights during all my experiences ... :)

best? oh, ok... another 'best' theory... i had see alot best theories, so i dont mind to get another 'best'

bless does not ever guarantee that Griffins or X-bow will be great ... :( and be undefeated .. :(

yeah, only fool will think it is unbeatable.
Yeah, Bless on xbows is a waste of mana. Who needs +3 dmg (with no(!) talent)
Poisoner knight is a very interesting build, esp. for EOFO.

that is the best for knights during all my experiences
And what's your expirience? Some 4-lvl multi blocked long ago? Pffft..

Defence is good for knights, but so are many other talents, and different challanges call for different buiilds. Stating that 'def is best' without even asking what the other party is facing is plain stupid.
that is the best for knights during all my experiences
And what's your expirience? Some 4-lvl multi blocked long ago? Pffft..

he does have a lv 7 knight actually :P
he does have a lv 7 knight actually :P
Indeed he does. I stand corrected.
'cept that now I feel more sad that someone playing as knight doesn't know his faction.
Ok peps,

Internal fighting amongst us 'honorable' knights is not good. Other factions will laugh at us. hehe.. j/k. :p

Anyway, I have a Q -

If I have say a 20 stack Bowmen, and I'm fighting against a particular enemy (don't matter who/what it is, just take it it's a specific defense/attack stats).

If I split my bowmen to 2 stacks of 10,

1) Would the attack damage (arrows) of one bowmen(10) be the same as 1 stack of bowmen(20)? If not, is the damage of the bowmen(20) double the bowmen(10)?

2) Conversely, would the hit points suffered by an attack on a bowmen(10) be double that of a bowmen (20)?

3)What scenario is it better to stick with 1 big stack, and when is it better to split your stacks to 2 or more?

Also, is the damage inflicted directly proportional to the stacks or it's random?

Thanks in advance. :)
1. Each single troop deals a range of damage. Each bowmen deals 2-4 damage. (I am not taking attack and defense into account for the sake of simplicity). So if you have 20 bowmen they can deal 40-80 damage. If you split them in equal halves they can deal 20-40 damage each. So theoretically it is possible that a stack of 10 could deal the same damage as a stack of 20, however, this would be very rare, and most often the larger stack will deal the most damage.
2. No, amount of damage dealt is based on the attacking stack, not on the defending stack. If a shrew hits for 89 damage (once again I am simplifying) no matter the size of the stack he is attacking whether 1 or 20, he will deal 89 damage. If he attacks 1, some of that damage will be "wasted."
3. If the enemy has no ranged troops you can usually (note I said usually, not always) use one stack of bows. However, if you are fighting many ranged troops (such as elves) a possible strategy is to split the bows up into many equal groups (say of 5) so that it will take the ranged troops longer to kill off all of your bows, therefore giving you more time to move your swords into range (and holding the griffins back until the swords are in range.)
4. The damage is partially random, and partially set by stats such as attack and damage of attacking unit, and defense of defending unit.

Note: You probably should have asked questions 1,2, and 4 in the Q and A section, because they deal more with game mechanics. However, 3 is a tactical question and is the right kind of question to ask in this topic.

Note: If you think of your stacks as groups of troops, rather than single troops it may help you comprehend the game mechanics better. Logically, a group of 20 archers should be able to deal more damage than a group of 10.

4. I misread the question. The size of the stacks is directly proportional to the damage dealt.
for sungor:

Thanks for the reply. Helps me understand how I should go about placing my troops before battle.

Sorry if it was asked in the wrong thread, just thought that sicne Bowmen is unique to Knights, I thought it belongs here. :p

So, 1 more Q on Bowmen (tell me if this is the correct thread to ask) -

Is the damage dealt by using Volley on a single enemy equal or less than if I were to use normal arrow attack mode?

It's hard to find this out myself coz the enemies I faced in each battle are different with different defense stats.

thanks sry and van_GM

as i made some reviews
rushing at the beginning really sounds like open the door for the thieves

at first i bought defense as my talent in theory defense will help my griffins stay longer in combats and, with their unlimited retal ability, they can clear a lot of frontline enemies at the beginning.

but it turns out to be wrong. as my griffins move forward and very close to them. they try to clear griffins first with bowmen, spells and melee units.

now i have to think again about my combat tactics and my talent carefully
for Jedi-Knight:

If you use volley it will hit every unit including friendly ones for 50% normal damage. So if you are hitting more than 3 enemies you will do a better total damage.

And by the way next time you wonder about an ability check this
there are all the abilities for all troops.
First change your talent and build recruits, I see u have money so build them immediately they will increase the men you have, and your faction level isnt that bad.

Buy good arts too.

Then follow tactic i said, but moreover do merc. and hunts at level 5, so that you can have good fs.
For example:

This ability allows the shooter to deal damage to all creatures within a 3x3 tiles area, including allies. Each of those stacks takes 50% of the normal damage.
how many times can we reset our talent?
for elbuster:
right now its unlimited times for no costs
for hiddenshadow:

OOhh... thanks for the advice and link! BIG help. :)
for 516: anytime you want
for volley: 1 bowman can deal 1 damage, if you volley to group of enemy, you can deal 1 damage to all stack
that should be 2 to 9 damage (if possible)

If you use volley it will hit every unit including friendly ones for 50% normal damage.


Thanks for both your reply,. So basically, what you guys means is that if I attack only ONE enemy, it's better to just use normal arrow attack, then to use Volley, right?
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