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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
the reason you cannot buy any other items in the artifact shop is because there is no stock of those items in the artifact shop. However, if you would like to buy those items, click on the link at the bottom of the artifact description that says "alternate purchase sites". This will take you to a list of the factories that produce said item. For example I clicked on the steel blade alternative purchase sites and it lists one factory called the "steel blade blacksmith". So then click on that factory and find out where it is located.

When you click on the steel blade blacksmith look at the top of the screen right under the name of the facility. It says "Location: Silent Hill". You are probably still in the Great capital so click on the map button at the top of your screen and then choose north to travel to Silent Hill. Once you get there (it will take 2 minutes) look at the right side of your screen. Click on the word production, then click on the steel blade blacksmith. Now you will be able to buy a steel blade if there are any in stock on the map. I hope this helps.
for sungor:

Ahh.. cool. I was wondering how to travel to other parts of the map !

Thanks. !

PS: And thanks agaon to Ranor for the previous post. That helps too. *thumbs up* :)

for other factions

you will get 3% resistance per faction from that specific faction, e.g. you are knight lvl 1, so you have 3% resistance to other knights.

1) Let's see if I get this right.

If I have played all along as a Knight, I changed faction today to a Dark Elf. I play as a Dark Elf for ONE day. And tomorrow, I switch back to an Knight. So as a Knight, when I go into battle vs a Dark Elf, I'll have 3% resistance against his attacks? Is that what u mean?

2) In my Character Page, I see this the below. What does the "1" next to my Knight means? That can't be my level, coz I'm lvl 3 now.. (?) And how do I increase it to 2?

Knight: 1 (31.06) +18.9
Necromancer: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Wizard: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Elf: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Barbarian: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Dark elf: 0 (1.46) +18.5 --> This is in BOLD coz I''m playing as a Dark Elf today.
Demon: 0 (0.00) +20.0

Hunters' guild: 1 (30.00) +30.0
Laborers' guild: 0 (18) +72
Gamblers' guild: 0 (0) +10
Thieves' guild: 0 (0)
Mercenaries' guild: 0 (0) +50
Smiths' guild: 0 (0.00) +30.0
Enchanters' guild: 0 (0) +104 (+)

Thanks in advance. :)
So basically, what I'm trying to ask in the above post is - Is there any benefit/advantage in changing to/playing as,a different faction EVERY day (Knight -> Necro -> Wizard, .... --> Knight, etc) or it makes no difference/better just play as 1 faction all the way.. ?

Yep, that's what I wanna ask. :)
Knight: 1 (31.06) +18.9

'1' is your knight's faction level, '31.06' is your knight faction experience, its different than combat level, which you lv 3 right now

to get that 3% resistant, you need to reach at least lv 1 for DE, you are now lv 0 with only 1.46 points, every level you gain 3% resistant

so i would say stick to knight for now, and collect faction exp for knight, with higher knight lv, you get to recruit more troops and your troops gain more stats
for Straws:

Thanks, Straw. That helps loads. :)

Ok, so I noticed that my Knight has a Magic Book since I started at lvl 1, but I have no magic. Probably coz I didn't give any to of my points to Knowledge.

I tried looking for it in forums, but can't seems to find the asnwer, so my question is -

- If I give Knowledge +1 the next time I can (lvl 4?), what is the magic that my Knight can cast?

- Is it worth it to give +1 to knowledge to get some magic for a Knight, if giving +1 to Knowledge indeed gives some magic?

Thanks in advance ! :)
you will only be able to use spells as a knight once you build a magic-guild in your castle. (which you will be unable to do until you reach level 5). Once you are level 5 it might be beneficial to have one knowledge and one spellpower, but before level 5 it is just a waste. Remember you can always buy a potion of oblivion (which isn't very expensive, 2500 gold, and only has temporary side-effects) and redistribute your stats later. I would be putting most of my points into attack if I were you. While it is true that knights favor a defensive style of play, it is very easy to raise your defense with arts then it is to raise your attack. So I put most of my points into attack, and just increase my defense with arts.
for sungor:

Thanks for the reply. Saved me wasting a precious point on Knowledge before lvl 5. :)

In the same line of Q - is that any other way(s) to get them precious and important Points besides waiting an eternity to level up? :/
is that any other way(s) to get them precious and important Points besides waiting an eternity to level up? :/

No, unless you get 2 MG lvl, which is impossible now.
To clarify what sry has said, sry is right to say that you can only get primary skill points from two sources. Leveling up your combat levels, or leveling up in the mercenary guild. (which is almost impossible until level 5, and even then is very difficult.) However to be specific that is the only way to get more primary skill points that you can choose where they go.

However, certain other guilds and levels that you can reach will also give certain primary skill points. For example labor guild will increase your defense at levels 2, 4, 6, and 8, while the hunter guild will increase your attack by 1 at every level. Increasing your racial level will also give certain primary points. To see all the different guilds and leveling bonuses go here https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10
for sungor:

Wow, that's exactly what I need. Thanks sungor.

Ok, now I get most of it, but there are some I'm not sure how to get (level up)

Here what I saw from the thread you post, and my Qs, if any. Please kindly advise if I got it right. -

1) Combat experience table - Obviously, you get it by doing duel and hunts (those random armies u fight in Map).. right?
2) Racial skill table - ? ? ? What is this ? ? ?
3) Hunters' Guild - You get it by doing hunts (those random armies u fight in Map
4) Laborers’ Guild - By enrolling in work?
5) Gamblers’ Guild - Ermm.. by playing and winning (or just playing?) the Twin Towers game in the Tavern.
6) Thieves’ Guild - ? ? ? what is this ? ? ?
7) Mercenaries’ Guild - By successfully completing Mercenary Quests.
8) Smiths’ Guild - ? ? Ermm.. by doing work in certain factories/mines?
9) Enchanters’ Guild - Ermm.. Only applies to faction with magic powers? How do u get points to level up?
10) Enchanters’ Guild branches - Same as (9) ?

Thanks all for all your help. Makes my life as a newbie less frustrating.

And thanks in advance for any input on my latest Q. :)
for Jedi-Knight:

And I also recomend checking the whole "About the Game" section - it's useful.
for Shebali:

Yes ! that's another thread I have copied and pasted to my excel file ! hahaha.. :p

Thanks shebali. *thumbs up* :)
Hmmm... wait a minute..

Those threads still don't explain what the "Racial skill" table is, where can I see my stats for this, and what to do level up. :/

Thanks in advance. :)
for Jedi-Knight:

Hope these would help ^^
for hiddenshadow:

Hi, hiddenshadow,

Thanks for those links. While I appreciate the effort and time taken to post it, someone has already led me to these threads, but they don't explain what the racial table is (what it does, and how I can improve my "racial" level), and even where I can look at mine... :/

Thanks in advance. :)
1) you will always get combat experience whenever you fight (as long as you kill some units)

2) you will always get racial skill whenever you fight. you can see it in that list (character screen)

Knight: 1 (41.63) +8.4
Necromancer: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Wizard: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Elf: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Barbarian: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Dark elf: 1 (20.06) +29.9
Demon: 0 (0.00) +20.0

3) yupp hunterguild increases for succesfull hunts (your own or assists)

4) yes for every enrolling labours guild points increase by 1

5) you have to win card games in order to increase gamblers guild

6)This is special you need a extra item called thief invitation to do these, once you get one (buying or leasing) you can start ambushing (advised lvl 6 upwards)

7) every succesfull Mercenary quest gives 1 MG point

8)Smith guild increases when you repair artifacts in your smithy (extremely expensive)

9)In your smithy you can enchant all artifacts with special bonuses. You need certain elements (got by the market or sometimes after merc quest) to do so. For every element used for enchanzing you get 1 point.

10) The branches are dependent on what kind of artifact you enchant (weapons increase %dmg, armor increase elemental %resists, jewelry increases elemental %dmg. Also quite expensive.
Jedi-Knight, after every battle you get a message saying something like this.

"Sungor gains 1100 exp, 58 gold, and 1 skill point"

the exp helps you gain combat levels, the gold makes you richer, and the skill point adds to your racial levels. On your character page you will see a list that says something like "Knight: 7 (900.81) +699.2". That is referring to your racial level. So that means that I am a combat level 8 knight with a racial skill of 7. So you increase your racial levels by combat just like you increase your combat levels.
What would a level 6 knight have for talents?
for sungor:

#458: Thanks for the reply. That clears up a lot of my uncertainties in my mind. Thanks ! :)

Ok, so now I JUST reached lvl 4, and my stats reads something like this -

Combat level: 4 (15301) +16699
Knight: 1 (45.42) +4.6
Necromancer: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Wizard: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Elf: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Barbarian: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Dark elf: 1 (20.06) +29.9
Demon: 0 (0.00) +20.0

Now my Q is this -

I know someone told me that have a faction lvl +1 for other factions will give me a 3% resistance when fighting against them.

And from what I read, Knights are specially "weak" against Necros and Dark Elves, so is it wise for me to spend a day changing my faction to a Necro (As you probably have noticed, I have +1 as a Dark Elf already), and get my 3% resistance against Necros for the future? And then switch back to Knight after that?

Dunno if I made my Q clear. haha... :p

Thanks again to all who have helped a newbie's journey into the perilous world a little less scary, esp special thanks to sungor & Ranor. *2 thumbs up!* :)
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