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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Hmmm this seems to be one real long thread. Kudos to all knights who kept this going! =)

Btw, I've seen many knights excel in the long run, but how do you guys maintain your gold inflow? So far each time I'm online for a few days at a time I can easily gain up to 10k at any one stretch of 3 days, but still to maintain a min AP plus saving enough for a full AP is quite a challenge. Any productive ideas? This is more on the economical side of knights btw.

Plus, I finished TG2 awhile back, but just afraid to venture into thieving now since arts are on the low side.

Thanks in advance ;)
Oh, just to update. Won a thief against a Wiz caravan. Feels great after quite awhile away from it xD
for arcanyx:

gold becomes less and less of a problem the higher your level and the more you enroll. once you got full arts it's not much of a problem to maintain them (becaus arts selling prizes). it's only a bit hard for hunting artefacts (because of their low durability) and to safe up for good enchantments.

you will see that with regular enrolling the stock of your arts regularely grows. soon you'll have full arts, then you can safe up for alternative full arts - and so on...

and by the way: on your level (8) you had one of the biggest and most expensive levels for castle upgrades. from now on, castle buildings are payed more or less just from the level-up-bonuses...
for Zarebrant:

true on so many levels, and maybe I'm still low on cash since I still have some high grade arts not fully used yet. thanks for the advice, and I'll be sure to aim for LG5 soon after my final exams (which, end only on Dec 9th). till then, online time is gonna be scarce. gonna miss the times i kill large creatures with xBows. Lol xD
before i forget, THANKS! =)
Hello fellow knights,

I just started TGI and i am level 7 so i equip a defender shield,sword of retribution and a steel helmet with A6F6 so are these arts fine ? and what should be my recruiting and talent combos ?
ok i even got some mopre arts and now i have steel helmet with A6F6 , amulet of luck , sword of retribution , defenders shield , cape of wind and steel cuirass please tell me the talents
ESSSSSCort + Rally. :)
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
ESSSSSCort + Rally

Dont ever doubt Escort =)
for superbest1:
should be good. Anyway, try both variants and pick which you like more.
i like escort + rally more anyway thanks
Hi again all, I'll just wanna ask: how good art hunter, MH n GH arts when used on knights? I mean, those that one obtains in hunts. I had the idea of using MH Ring of Flight as a very potent item for griffins, but what are the odds of it and other hunter arts being used regularly in place of shop arts? Or should they just end up on the market?

Some examples of hunter arts I've used over the months: H-Glove, H-Bow, MH-Shield
for arcanyx:
Well, hunter set (at lower lvls) are good for hunt, while for pvp shop arts are much better. Only bonus from hunter set - you get battle fury for free)
True, but economically, they arent worth much. Either rather use them or hope to find a buyer?
actually, knight wasnt good with any full set hunter art.

think again... even hunter art give bonus dmg when encounter hunt creature. but, knight dont have good fast unit, area of effect dmg, nor no retal to maximize the effect in hunter art.

hence, i would say, get half set art to gain the bonus dmg; at the same time, use other shop art to boost up other.

for example: you equip hunter hat, hunter bow, hunter shield, hunter shoe, hunter sword. these 5 arts are enough to provide the bonus dmg and some initiative. use morale ring and amulet to fill up the slots rather than use hunter pendant or hunter glove. more morale to burst action to maximize the effect.
Nice idea! Well, I'll have time to try that out in lvl9. Almost there...
Thanks Pang =)
Though, i just realised: the damage bonus will only effect in hunts. if only it could be used in Pvp...our griffs would really love that xD
^^ Hey, i just switch to knight and suddenly ambushed by dragon guards while trying to do a mercs quest. How lucky? :p
^^ Hey, i just switch to knight and suddenly ambushed by dragon guards while trying to do a mercs quest. How lucky? :p

Yeah well, don't u know knights and dragons go together? It's in all the classic knight stories! Haven't u been reading when u were young, bud? :p
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