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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
magic knight better ? what's the strongest status of thief ?

as i said, it is important for you to find out which style is suitable for you. so, you have to try on both might and magic.

yet, i strongly recommend use magic build if you changed faction to knight with low faction. why? simple, you have low combat efficient than other factions, so either you use better art (expansive way which could cost you alot) or magic build (cheaper way which just cost you 1 potion) to fill up the gap.

To Pang: hope you didnt mind me citing your combat log :)

rofl, just dont take a look on my thief combat log after lv11 if you are just need any win but not loss battle XD
thx & yep !
I like the might and magic knight XD

lol i trust your logs to be good for learners. i adopted your magic-knight build myself anyways ;)
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2010-01-30 02:47:08 // no begging on public]
Can anyone give me some hints / tips for ambushing at level 10?
Which talents do you use, and how/where do you place your troops on the field?

Because in some cases, like this one, I have no chance at all:

But in others like here, I have an easy win:

While I used the same talents and troop settlement.
Since you have to take a risk each time and cant see which caravan and troops your facing it is difficult.
I havent found something like an "universal troop settlement" that works well against most caravans of a faction.
for Sven91:
In the caravan you lost.

Fisrt of all,you would need full arts often to win ambushes since, your fsp is very low.

And, you could try magic build evasion spell there could have worked as boon for ur troops against those succubis and mistresses
I tried several knowledge and spellpower in the past. But I noticed that besides the bless on crossbowmen in hunts, it is not really worth it.
So I used the potion and reset my points to attack.

But each time you catched a caravan, you have to take a risk.
Do I put my troops in front, so I can attack on first turn, but they can attack me too on first turn.
Or do I put them in the corner, so I cant attack on first turn, but they cant attack me too on their first turn.

Have you tried a pure mage built for ambushing? A low faction level hinders your troop numbers, but a 5/5 for Knw/SP can do wonders even with MIN AP.

Try using Rally and Expert Holy. Its quite versatile no matter if you go with max guards or xbows.
what talents should a lvl 7 have for a knight??
i am a lvl 5 knight .Y dont i have mana ?how do i get mana ?
i am a lvl 5 knight .Y dont i have mana ?how do i get mana ?
spending 1 stat point for knowledge^^
for Sven91:
try use defence talents+escort.
against caravans this wery good choise.

it is all depend on situation.


put 1 point into Knowledge or get artifacts to boost.
hi, just want to know the best artifact for knight to start in lvl 5-6
thanks a lot
for lv 5:
Sword of retribution
u may also need amulet of luck to assist

for lv 6:
Equilibrium blade
attack, defense and initiative also are boosted
I'd say stick to the Sword of Retribution at level 6 too. The Equilibrium Blade just cost so much (almost twice as much) and the 2% initiative increase doesn't blow anyone away for. It's a waste of gold in my opinion.
What would be a good setup for a magic knight? What are the benefits of being a magic knight? I've got a potion to reset stats on hand, so feel free to suggest stats too.

go 65th page and vist those links
Alright, thanks.
Even though im not level 6 yet, are crossbowmen anygood in tourney? (diamond upgrades)
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