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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
i said nine times in group battles
NOW you tell me :P lol
bah.... read the 1487th post @ https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1842541&page=74

those good mass dark spells cost more mana and need magic guild lv3. <-

you need more spell power to get better result; at the same time dark spells are not so effective on nerco and wiz. dont worry on NPC barb, they dont get magic resist in ambush. yet, dark spells wont be useful when encounter player in ambush too.

We Knights are slow, but if we could pull a few tricks with a timely morale, most up against us will just crumble with shock :)

eh... the main reason i suggest on morale is because of the battle is duel. as Javi say: One of my best friends in the game just leveled up and we dueled earlier today. i would still prefer Javi get offense talent if it is a gb. yet, split griffin is quite debatable; perhaps he can split 1 as decoy while the rest as major strength to battle dive.

Note that I do almost all battles in min ap.

you will noticed that min AP no longer able to help you in Lv11 ambush. you have to go with full art; it is just the matter on how heavy will your AP be :)
well I was thinking of using magic in lvl 9 in thief ambush.what should be my settlement of troops?

and selection of spells against caravans of diff. factions?
split 1 as decoy while the rest as major strength to battle dive

Thank you for bringing that up. I have seen Knights keep their griffins in one big stack and others who split them so they can hit multiple targets. I think that in GB, splitting them is a good idea until you get clerics because like that you can dive to two different targets if you wish. For a duel, the idea of using one griffin as a decoy sounds like an interesting idea, but at this level, people can kill a stack of 1 griffin with hero before they can take retal or block against a large enemy stack.

What say you?
bah.... read the 1487th post
heh my bad mate, havent been active on this thread for awhile to notice backdated posts.

But between morale and defense talents, what would you prefer? true, Javi was in a duel and maybe defensive talents would be useful, but do we need to compensate ourselves for some bursts since most factions are faster than at least half of our stacks? ie. Guards, Xbows

one griffin as a decoy
I've seen this quite a few times, even used it once when dueling an Elf. Worked well since he couldnt kill it with one hero hit, so his druids wasted one lightning on it.
why he even killed it at first, I still dont see the reason but he might have seen me using it to take retal or block unis.
*might be thinking too much*

at level 10 with 35 talent points, how good will it be if all of the points are used on leadership tree?

21 points gives expert leadership
7 points for fervor
7 points for empathy

So theoretically with 2 rings of inspiration and a medal of bravery you will get 1(normal morale)+3+3 = 7 morale

Hence your hero will get the effect of empathy 70% of the time, allowing the hero to keep using fervor on one unit to push it up the scale (not to mention the morale boosts already pushing the unit's turns)

But I am only at lvl 9 so no chance to try this theory out yet, it could backfire horribly for all I know :P
Actually you need a total of 47 talent points (level 13).

21 points expert leadership
7 points rally
5 points escort
7 points fervor
7 points empathy

Also 7 morale is the same as 5 morale since that's the cap.
Oh well not sure if it would be any good with 5 morale only(oops forgot the rally and escort requirements too!), probably casting holy magic buffs would be more practical.....
Also 7 morale is the same as 5 morale since that's the cap.
I totally didnt realise this xD silly me

Hmmm from my initial belief, Knights have been the defensive sort, even more so when defense talents were only 7 points (now 8). Now, has I've grown "older" in the game, I see some other possibilities. In lv10 and 11, maybe even 12, I see distinctively 3 different "types" of knights around:

Mage build (mass casting)
Might-morale build (Fervor)
Hybrids (Offense, Defense, Morale, and Holy Magic combos)

I'm not saying these are the general playing styles, but just pointing out how flexible us Knights are due to our available talents. Correct me if I'm wrong in saying that option 2 is quite common nowadays.

Now, the question I put to you guys is this: which would you rather say has the upper hand over each other?

For me I've been Mage Knight due to preference with magic which I find hard to let go of. Must be those mega damage I deal with Xbows on hunting large creatures and monsters xD
well as u said magic is insufficient in fighting caravans in lvl 9 I'm using a defense formation with advanced fortune+escort I won one and lost one caravan too do you think it would give me more wins?

Here's the link to ambush I lost,plz do point out my mistakes.
You lost alot of swords to shrews. I cant give much info since I forgot how I did TG in lv9, but maybe you should use Defense talents instead of luck. Or even Offense talents. Thats as far as I can think of.
I failed with defense talents though I would try offense ones
i bacema level 8 and i dont know what should i upgrade. defense or attack ?
became *
preferably attack

i would say your troops settle causing you trouble. you should place your swordsmen near your xbow. so, the idea settle is 2 tiles away form your xbow. fireball and earth spike cant dmg both swordsmen and xbow in same time.

so, if the caravan has shrew, vampire count, or any with high speed, your swordsmen wont get hit for in 1st move while they just move near to your troops.


well as u said magic is insufficient in fighting caravans in lvl 9

i just wonder since when i said that before...

holy spells were provided at magic guild 2: rapid, stone skin and bless; with expert talent mastery, those are SUFFICIENT for you deal with both NPC or player caravan.
oh my bad!ok lets try that too
do you think I must try mass holy magic talents?
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