Author | Magical Talent |
The game guide talks about 4 levels of magical talent ... but what is it and how can I work out what my magical talent is and how I can raise it?
Sorry if there is an obvious answer. |
The 4 levels are :
No talent
Basic talent
Advanced talent
Expert talent
This is detailed as to their effect on the Spells page :
By default you are at "No Talent"
If you took the Talent "Basic XXX" where XXX is the school of magic, you become at "Basic talent" level and so on.
The Talents page is here:
You gain Talents starting from Level 5. 10 Points initial and 5 points per level above 5. But I think you know that since you have 2 talents already |
Thanks for the explanation - now looking at the Talents page again it is indeed obvious.
Still another question so :) |
mmh - seems i accidently clicked Enter.
1. How do i calculate the actual spell damage.
I have the formulas for normal attack damage but not spells.
I assume somehow similar modifiers apply as for normal damage such as defense etc.
2. When I choose lets say Talent Basic Chaos magic at lvl 6 then only the part that inceases my magical talent has an affect - the other affect for choosing lvl 3 spells can't be used until lvl 10 - right?
Thanks again :) |
1. actual spell damage calc is on that page
2. yup, need both talent and magic guild to learn lv 3 & above spells |
But the actual damage i do to creatures (neutral) is affected by others things.
For example magic arrow at lvl 1 and spell power 5 does according to this page 50 dmg but when hitting lets say an gremlin it will actually do more then that but hitting lets say a mino will do a lot less presumable because of defense or other factors. |
@ 6 : No, Magic doesn't see the defense factora at all, unless they wear some cloak or enchanted art, they can't reduce the damage . +faction skill also reduces magic damage. |
presumable because of defense or other factors.
Indeed, there are factors affecting spells.
- Basic damage: given by formulas here , based on Spell Power and Talents.
- Jewel Enchanted items may increase damage.
- Hunter set artifacts may increase damage against neutrals.
- Wizard faction level may increase damage against neutrals.
- Magic Resistance of some creatures may reduce damage.
- Artifacts worn by Enemy Hero may reduce damage.
- Artifact enchantments worn by Enemy Hero may reduce damage.
- Faction level of Enemy Hero may reduce damage.
- Talents of Enemy Hero may reduce damage.
- Mini-Artifacts worn by some creatures may reduce damage.
Difficult to figure all these each time you cast a magic arrow... |
Yes - totally agree.
I did the test against neutral creatures.
Ones against neutral gremlins and ones against Mino and i was just suprised by the result and tried to work out how its calculated.
With 5 SP i did about 75 or so dmg against the gremlin and only 40 or so against mino - I can't remember the exact figures.
I am DE and did not use anything that would increase spell damage.
Any thoughts? |
9: show us the combat log 1st |
Seems the conclusion to this is that I am an idiot :)
I checked combat logs and I did 48 dmg to Mino and 72 to Goblin.
72 = 48 * 50% so looks like I used emporered spell.
I never use that much hence the confusion... |