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AuthorUnjustifiable Penalty. Is travelling not allowed anymore?
LOL, don't you understand?!
Geht_sterben is NOT an additional character.
THerefor what you wrote has nothing to do with the recent topic.
A mod pls lock this topic.There's no reason to argue for something so obvious.
Still a staged combat, it doesn't matter if he was just so random guy, staged is staged.

You, my friend, are a hopeless case. :)
Maybe they have broken some rules, but for sure they aren't the same person. I know Geht_sterben from combat level 6. His brother, I_own_you_all, barbarian at that time, founded the ANTI-AP clan when he was level 7 (if I remember well). If the admins suspected anything about one being the other's multi, they wouldn't approve that clan. So, for those who are posting here insults by naming them liars, you better come with real proofs because the calumny is punishable in the real life worse than here (which probably is accepted here, even if it should be punishable as well).
Guys guys, please read rules more carefully and don't just say: I don't like that *** and "fullstop"

Definition of a staged combat: 3.16. Staged combats leading one of the parties to losing a priori will be punished for. A staged combat by definition is one where any one of the parties or party members intentionally loses to the other for any reason different from having technical problems with access to the game.

Ok ... we read ... what do we understand?

Following: All people travelling with 1 Tier 1 unit, or empty "army" get punished.
Good, then do so!

Ambush is random (as can be seen on my combat log, 5% or so are ambushs against Geht_sterben). You say i would do this intentionally, so ... my intention is to win an ambush, correct. My brothers intention is to walk somewhere (as far as i know, there don't have to be named reasons for walking around, altough they even were mentioned)
I don't know why are you complaining, it's obviously that you are staging ambushes. Every ambushes you had, even whit different people, proves that. You were traveling only because you wanted to get ambushed.
You should get bigger penalty just for complaining.
Still a staged combat, it doesn't matter if he was just so random guy, staged is staged.

You, my friend, are a hopeless case. :)

It doesn't matters if he is his brother or not.

Ambush is random (as can be seen on my combat log, 5% or so are ambushs against Geht_sterben)

and the rate for Geht is around 40%...sigh
^^ I know it's random but like roulette there's always a possibility in randomness and you are get penalty just because (they think) trying to exploit that. Don't play strictly with definition/real relationship, there'll always a loophole in any rule. Most important is trying to accept and understand what's happened from different point of view ;)
I want to ask you, why did your brother stop playing 1 month ago and start traveling the map for no apparent reason (except the reason to get ambushed all the time)?
My brothers intention is to walk somewhere (as far as i know, there don't have to be named reasons for walking around, altough they even were mentioned)

Right everyone walks around to be ambushed by his brother,makes sense.
there's block, not penalty, be grateful
You can't refute the evidence of your staged combats, thats for sure. Thats way too many coincidences for for ambushing the same person. I don't see why how your MQ explanation makes sense, seeing the fact that:

-You had not done any MQs in between those ambushes, and those were consecutive ambushes.
-There's 7 locations in the map, and only SH and GC requires you to travel through your supposed path, meaning that your chance to travel to YL->GC for a MQ stands at only 28%
-You guys are brothers, you can actually warn your brother not to travel via your ambushed route for his "MQ" as there's a chance you might ambush him, so how come thats not done?
@ Likuorgos3:
40% LOL
another false accusation, please check before saying such things.
Facts: 176 ambushs done (i have a bad win ratio as wizard :/) and 8 of these were with Geht_sterben.
Then: to how many % do we come?
*grabs his calculator and sees a MUCH different number than 40*
We come to 0,045454545454545454545454545454545
Thats 4.5% if your maths need a bit help.

Sorry for being a bit angry, but some people here just don't think before talking and like to accuse people without proof.
@ God5end I travel because of working as i said, and i refuse the quest in YL because of impossibility to win. If you compare our mercenary guild effort you will see that I am a BIT further than you. And my quests are therfor harder to beat. Why are you only yo low with mercenery guild? Probably because of impossibility of winning? And that much earlier than me. Stop accusing people plz, as my brother said, think and THEN write.

For nearly everything in here we named a reason or explanation, so if you don't come up with good arguments this here is closed.
What you haven't explained is this:

07-22-09 22:58: • I_own_you_all[9] vs Geht_sterben[9]
07-22-09 13:17: • I_own_you_all[9] vs Geht_sterben[9]
07-20-09 22:57: • I_own_you_all[9] vs Geht_sterben[9]
07-19-09 17:18: • I_own_you_all[9] vs Geht_sterben[9], duri[9]

Four consecutive fights against your brother just can't happen by random.

40% LOL
another false accusation, please check before saying such things.
Facts: 176 ambushs done (i have a bad win ratio as wizard :/)

Which part of what Likourgos3 said that you don't understand?
and the rate for Geht is around 40%...sigh

False accusation, you say? Who?
your "brother" had 25 ambushes in the last 17 or so days, and you ambushed him 8 times. That means you ambushed him in 32% of the time. Some coincident. Not to mention that he, in that time, had only 4 merc quest and no hunts what so ever. Do you have any explanation for that?
You didn't answer points 1 and 3, and you pretty much gave a lame-duck answer for point 2. Just for your knowledge, I'm saving MQs for later levels, for purpose of easy fsp gains. Telling me that at your MQ 300, they become impossible is laughable actually. Fyi, I reached my current MQ points at around the start of level 8 or so. Talk about think, then write huh...
Ok, doctor mister

I don't know how many people are setting ambushes at any time and where, but if that were about 3 all the time these 32% are just normal, not?

And as i said! i denied nearly all quests because my quest level is already a BIT higher than yours! I guess with having won 52 quests coming to 300 is a LONG way, you better start now so that you can see how far i am at the moment when i quit this game with lvl 14 because of being bored and having achieved all thats possible!

From hunt 390 to 880 is a long way aswell, all my hunts are either red or are red with "!". And because i don't ask for assist due to loss of guild points and costing other people money (due to AP-rule, btw you can all join the Anti-AP-Clan if you want, only 500 gold and no taxes), there are OF COURSE no hunts in this time, and there will not BE until level 10.
End this, there is no need to try to kick another player out of the game for fun.

Have fun all and don't lose too many quests and hunts (you could get banned for losing on purpose for gaining more sp)
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