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AuthorBest faction to counter DE on lev 10 i above ( in duels)
A defensive knight with DE faction levels. This way the DE won't be able to hurt the knight while the knight's escort and high defense would kill the DE.
that's what i'm trying to do;P
There is A HUGE difference if u ambush

Yes but if you ambush, the DE has the advantage of reach. In duel DE sucks even more. I can provide you with various links where faction level 0-1 demon level 11 beats DE with better arts and faction level 8 in ambush. And ambush is dark elf`s best ground.
I have ambushed every faction as a Dark elf...and do not recall losing...in fact I ambushed 1 wizard that ALMOST beat me because his mini arts/arts were insane!

ElementalAli was his name ^^

I can post up a few battles here where I got royally destroyed by Dark Elves in Ambush simply because they were High Morale Builds.

I tell you. Gargoyles stink, and that is pretty much all a wizard has for melee next to the genies. But genies die so fast against a Dark Elf.

So perhaps wizards have a slight chance at level 10-11. But that chance vaporizes at level 12.

There is A HUGE difference if u ambush.. BB Shooters cuz u reach them easy.. But a necro warrior ( 30 mana ) or mage ( superpoison ) dies because of low ini and morale 0.. Wiz dont try vs a De in lv 10 cuz cant escape of shrews :S


wiz has magic which can target any creature, why would you target anything but shrews first in a 1v1 against DE, and they cant reach the enchanted gargs on the first turn reguardless
"they cant reach the enchanted gargs on the first turn reguardless "

Tactics can help shrew reach them FYI


Heroes go much fewer times than each shrew stack. Therefore shrew stack is significantly higher than hero's damage turn per turn--always. Factor in bursting/luck, and it is even worse.
anyway if we had more duels, maybe we can make some practice from all this theory, don't you think? ^__^
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