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AuthorCaravan Problem
You think that's bad? I've lost over a thousand caravans the last 8 months and what do I get?

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I've also noticed that your caravans of knights were bugged. Your caravan hero didn't cast any magic while mine did. Mass rapid, stoneskin, and bless certainly makes any caravan much harder.

didnt you used to ambush with a slightly enchanted thief set as DE?

That would have hugely increased yourr caravans and would explain the difficulty to decrease their strength
If your caravans are too hard, blame yourself for a bad long term strat, not the game.

Oh, tell me what is a good long term strategy, keep loosing 1k+ ambushes?
What if the bullshit thrower double your caravan by just a few click? keep loosing for another 10K ?
Oh, tell me what is a good long term strategy

only do ambushing in arts you can sustain AND WANT to keep paying to use for ambushes, this way you dont have to keep going until they get small enough to win with minap as you have ne reason/desire to use less arts on them
Maxim said DE caravans where beefed up by 20%
What about other factions? Some non-DE players have noted changes to difficulty as well.

DE Caravans, not caravans against DE players
I really wonder how small is difficulty decrease rate after lost caravan after last changes.

After 4 loses in a row I got from this caravan:

7292 Skeletal Bowmen
247 Infected Zombies
278 Zombies

this caravan:

6384 Skeletal Bowmen
379 Infected Zombies
289 Zombies

So its something 1-2% decrease per 1 loss, which is very funny and Im curious how big will be increase after win.
for vidlak666:
See post#50 and #70.
I'm guessing ~14-16%.
When did these things get so smart!?


The zombies didn't come to attack me. Instead, they moved into position to block me from reaching the skeletons. I've never seen anything like it. Also, they shoot the cavalry when they're not even blocking any shooters AND my monks were still alive! If the admins gave the caravans not only larger armies but better smarts, then we might as well quit doing TG.
the admin also ignores the special ability and randomly switch the creatures with their upgraded version with the same HP.

if the TG keeps going like this, i doubt the new players who would like to throw 80 euros to buy a TGI. Or simply just no new players at all.
So its something 1-2% decrease per 1 loss, which is very funny and Im curious how big will be increase after win.

~15% less skeletal bowmen is quite significant IMO, but without the algorithm used its hard to give specific values
~15% less skeletal bowmen is quite significant IMO, but without the algorithm used its hard to give specific values
Really? After 4 losses in a row? You dont mean it seriously, do you?:) If there would same amount of zombies it would be ~4% decrease per loss, but as there was much more zombies, which game counts more than skeletons, so common decrease is almost nothing.
for vidlak666:
Are any of those 4 fights before the 14/02?
If it is the case, Most of your losses have probably negated by the caravans buff.
All of them are after 14/02
Really? After 4 losses in a row?

didnt see the after 4 losses part, but still, we have no idea if zombies are counted as better by the game than skeletal bowmen either, the algorithm may count ranged as better than melee units, especially with slow ones like zombies, which is why we have no way of knowing how much the actual decrease really is
I did now 546 ambushes and lost 218 times, so I'm close 50/50. I did nearly half of the battles as Wizard, others as Demon and after TG2 I played only in low AP.

I'm getting to a point, where it seems I have to lose 5 caravans to win one.

After TG3 I probably quit with it for a long time if not forever. Everything else would be masochistic, because I don't feel fun or entertainment in not having even a chance in a battle. And no, 0.3 fsp are no good price for this pain.

I wouldn't encourage new players to start TG, like this it's just a waste of time and gold. If I ever experience, that I can't compete with other players because of my low TG, I rather quit LWM then lose another thousand times to get a shabby thief art and 1% initiative.

I guess the randomization god heard you.
6 consecutive victories in TG between 19:06 and 20:18!
I helped this god a bit with wearing more gear :P
Again nice decrease of difficulty

After losing this caravan

106 Death Envoys
171 Vampires
66 Vampire Counts
208 Apparitions
126 Ghosts

Next time I got this caravan

179 Death Envoys
157 Vampires
28 Vampire Counts
52 Apparitions
247 Ghosts

Almost 70% raise of Tier6 creature thats really easier...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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