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AuthorNew Guild - Alchemy

If you look at the chart, a +10 potion is level 9. So, it would cost
9*(mercury, 2 sulfur, demonic ashes)
so it would cost 9 mercury, 18 sulfur, and 9 demonic ashes.

and the materials would be a bit like enchanting stuff, different ones r different prices depending on how good of a potion they make
Demonic Ashes: A rare drop from a victory against Demon troops in a Hunt, Mercenary Quest, or a caravan Raid. Can also be rewarded from Merceny Quests, and traded in the Market.

As long as those special and new items are at least 4 000 - 5 000 each I dont see a problem. But even a level 1 can get one if he fights 15 imps.....
well, maybe we should make it "rare drops from defeating *faction* hunt, quest, or ambush. if its a hunt or raid, the units must be tier 5 or higher."

and yes, i envisioned them being that costly. the ashes could be 4-5k while ithers like the forest dew would be like 6-8k.
The forest dew should come from treefolks only
well, maybe tey will each come from a certain unit, like:

Demonic Ashes: Pit Fiend
Essence of Steel: Cavalry
Cavern Spring Water: Hydra, or Dark Whitches, idk.
Elemental Essence: Sphynx Guardians
Forest Dew: Tree Folks
Horde Sweat: Cyclops
Death Essence: Death Envoys
It will be better if they come from all creatures of one faction but only level 5 or higher are able to get them.
well the idea is good but id do make every one who use it over powered but since every one will use it then it is going to be balanced

and it`s resources should be from 500-100 at least for more use and less pricy

it needs more work
+1 Very best idea

Special thanks for such a detailed description! Great job SlayerOfNoobs!

However i would add some remarks:

- only 1 kind of potion effect can be active at once
- maximize the + stat values for any type of combat (for example only +3 stat points can be used for hunts or something like that)
and is it in the same category as ale right?
So you cant use it in tournamnts (shop artifacts only)
I got an idea:

Why not introduce new machining facilities where you can buy
the new ressources on the map instead of gaining them randomly from combats?

This would also create new enrolling places for players.
thanks for all the comments :D

@26 ya i like that better, tier 5 or higher.

@27 you are right it needs more work, i was just waiting for some feedback

@28 thanks! and i agree with both of those statements.

@29 yes, it would not be allowed in tournaments.

@30 thats a good suggestion! Maybe they could combine them both, u can get them as drops or rewards, or you could buy them at the facilities.

Thanks again for all the feedback! please keep posting your suggestions/criticism!
mhm idea is nice but one note i readed it in the first your suggestions posts like adding +7 morale and luck its useless max of them usable can be +5 and btw its so owerpowering stats if you drink it i think you should change them to way more less.
i said earlier (post #9) that for luck and morale, it gets cut in half. So a +8 luck potion would only be +4.
and it will be so unfair, there is factions which cannot get talents as luck and this potion will overpower them so much... As i said there should be only +1 luck/morale and about ~+3/4 attack defense. Ah what im talking this will not show in the day light... Keep dreaming :)
and it will be so unfair, there is factions which cannot get talents as luck

This has nothing to do with talents

and this potion will overpower them so much

Since every faction has the same potions availabel, this wouldn't overpower a single one.

This is not true!

It has to do with talents just imagine a necro with luck +4 and with combat rings, combat medal (instead of +luck artifacts).

So to clear it there are some defensing factions (i mean high def low dmg.) which do not have luck talents!

So I agree with TasKurPavaro that no significant +morale or +luck should be available!
to 35 how can you comment about 'this has nothing to do with talents' knowing nothing about luck or morale being as wizard and even who made ~400 combats? You have to get some expierence in this game before you post positive to suggestion who is totally unbalanced...
guys, please dont argue on here......
I think your ideas are great, but a few modifications would be in order (simply to make things a little more organized fair, and a little more like alchemy.)

-To prevent people from "potting up" make it so only 1 potion can be used in combat.

-Include "special" potions that would become available to make at certain levels, that give abilities/ other features rather than just stats.
Example, Full Moon Potion-composed of 3 Moonstones and 3 crystals (does not go up as levels increase.)
A full moon potion makes it so the field of battle you fight on is set in a dark forest, and the only light source is bright full moon above you. The lunar powers that come from it increase magic damage by everyone by 4*alchemy level.

-Make it so to make a potion, you need to purchase vials for 500gp from new factory shops.

-Slightly lower the affects of potions (.75 for att def etc each level, up to +8 at level 10, and .33 per level for luck and morale, up to a max of +3 at level ten. Any more would be too overpowered.

-Have each potion last x amount of combats, based on your level. 1 fight per alchemy level.

-Have potions that can be used in combat, for example;

Hellball Potion-composed of 2 Demonic Ashes 5 mercury. 5 sulfur.
Using demonic ashes and a few other "ingredients' you've managed to create a potion that will let loose the fires of hell if you smash it upon a hard surface. hits a 5x5 area for 60 damage x alchemy level. (there will be a new spot in your inventory to equip a potion, and you can only wear two at a time, to prevent rich people from using insane amounts of potions in battle.)

-Also have a few potions that can help you with non combat things, for example; High Alchemy- 5 mercury 5 sulfur 5 gems 5 crystals
Turn an item into gold, equal to 125% of its store value.

-Make the potions sellable on the market, and have them classified by their level, sorta like this:
Attack Potion (1) in the parenthesis it shows the level of the potion.

-Make it possible to obtain potions, as a rare award (like hunter artifacts) from high-level hunts.

I'm working on a few more "special" potions. SlayerOfNoobs, lets make this guild beast. =)
Please welcome to the post, Rendingblade, my new-found friend. He has come as co-author to this idea, and will help me in making this liable to be putin the game. (even though it probably never will.)
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