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AuthorI really need some advice....
for Toshiro:

An ugly beast, you compare Modi to an ugly, disgusting, disformed beast ?? :P
advice dog?
An Big ugly beast, you compare Modi to an ugly, disgusting, disformed, gruesome beast ??

for Dan-Panic:
Naaa , Modi can't be that good ...
y dont u try talking yo empire she will block every other gal in game so no love messages lol

not only gals message sexual messages to him.i defiently DO NOT message those kinds fo messages to anyone.i didnt even know modi existed
qio n azabukinie are just jealous! dont worry azabukinie,one day you'll have the manly bodly you always dreamed of!
I must laugh about the centuries old debate..."The Mystery of Mona Lisa's Smile."
What was not disclosed to the world was that in preparation for this most famous painting, Da Vinci, trying to capture a woman's "rapture" on canvass, whispered "Modi" in her ear.

Yes, women all over the globe associate my name with ultimate bliss. Da Vinci, being a genius, knew that full well.

Stay thirsty my friends
[Post deleted by moderator Tyrisia // please do not post external links]
Apparently something Modi wants to keep going...Modi will look for an online Mod, and that Mod can erase post 67.
qio n azabukinie are just jealous! dont worry azabukinie,one day you'll have the manly bodly you always dreamed of!
oh great who told u that ?
man i leave this topic from post 23 put do u think i was writing that because i am jealous of him ?
i was just trying to change him
and why should i be jealous from him !!!!?
i just got angry from his cockiness
u know this topic is meaningless
it is just like flood
at the first people was thinking he really need advice
but this topic is for advertising for himself to let people know him no more no less
i dont get why everyone here is so upset with a little thing someone said because they were bored.. if modi were in the movie 300, it would be called 1. all hail modi
awww. it went quiet. i want more flaminggggg. its fun to watch.
erhh your greatness tell yourr girlfans that i am second best choice. i am sure you can sweep few here.or propably you were drunk in evening and you wokened next morning with damn ugly guy.and now you try make us believe that you got 20hot girl in your bed and they all want same think was it even close?
for naapa92:
i highly like u more than modi i think u better person to
You all thought it was Alexander who cut the Gordian Knot, didn't you? Back in those days, I led the Greeks to war against the Persian Empire and when we approached the Gordian Knot, little Alex started pulling at it and even gnawing at it with his choppers. He couldn't do any damage to it and started crying like a little baby.

I pushed him on the ground and with one hack, cut the knot clean through. Little Alex came running over to me and asked me if he could take credit for my deed. I told him if it shut his mouth up for a few hours he could.

When we finally reached Persia proper, I found what I was seeking...Persian belly dancers! I told Alex he could play king while I was enjoying the "fruits" of my labor.

Stay thirsty my friends
u are nuts
Well , this topic sure does make me laugh , especially modi's display of idiotic chivalry and jactitation !
Well , this topic sure does make me laugh , especially modi's display of idiotic chivalry and jactitation !
great comment ;)
he is crazy i 100% agree with Erebes

PS. u need to step back in to reality
maybe he is that poisons songer and talking about last season:-D or from dream boyfriend show. come on modi tell us. i pray every night that you would share peace of your wisdom with me and would let me be loyal servant... i am only asking 2000000euros salary.must be frustrating to write for idiots?atleast i find it that way :p
but maybe:

Love is in the air everywhere I look around
love is in the air every sight and every sound
and I don't know if I'm being foolish
don't know if I'm being wise
but it's something that I must believe in
and it's there when I look in your eyes

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