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AuthorI really need some advice....
OMG lots of replys!!!!!!!!!!! thank you all!!!!!!!
i just hope i would have english skill good as modi has and i could write crap like this too:p
thats bogus
i just hope i would have english skill good as modi has...

You are not alone with that wish.There are many more here who would like to be like uncle Modi...

But as somebody already said before:

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:...."
While on a typical campaign, one of my hobgoblins asked my leave so he could go home to see his daughter for her birthday. He even wrapped up a nice steak for her to gnaw on. Well as he traveled alone, someone was lurking in the bushes....

You would think this little critter would be given a pass, seeing that he posed no threat to anyone but NOOOOOOOOO, he was murdered in cold blood! The thief even took his steak and violated him in ways I can't discuss here. Sick people out there.


Life is so unfair sometimes, don't you think? I mean, why is it I got everything and the rest of you didn't? Now dry your eyes and smash every mirror in your house so you don't have to be depressed looking at that ugly mug of yours.

Stay thirsty my friends
After a hard day of scouring the roads for giant oversized caravans my elite forest keepers were hungry. Now with the bad economy and so many poachers clear-cutting the forests the elite forest keepers were having a hard time finding food. Suddenly one of the advanced scouts reported smelling a stinky critter with raw steak. In no time the elite forest keepers reached the target and expertly carved up the roast for the entire army.

Unfortunately it was too bad that the meal was too meager and my army was unable to defeat the dread of all those who conduct their business on the road: thieves, caravans, travelers, and anti-thieves alike.


Note to self: buy more provisions for the next camping trip.
Once upon a time there were the siblings “Wickedy Dickedy-Fannie Mae and Trickery Pickedy Freddie Mac”.

Both were so good in spending millions of Gold of our Empire in card games, roulette and gambling that one day they lost control of their bookkeeping…..

The citizens were outraged by their behavior and called the leaders of the Empire to limit the “gaming” of the siblings, because the Gold of the Empire was also a part of the gold that they were spending in the Empire.

For this the leaders of the Empire took control of their bookkeeping. They were agreeing to spend 150 Billion of Empire Gold to reconstruct the “games” of the siblings. But they didn’t change any rules of their games….

With the same rules both siblings were back to their business after a while and playing games again. As you can imagine as a third person reading this story they both didn’t learn anything from their past and made the same mistakes while wasting again millions of Empires Gold in gaming.

Then there was a count called Gimbo-Geithner who had the idea to change also the rules of their games…So he called Lord Modi to reconstruct finally the idea of the game of the siblings.
Lord Modi was wise and experienced. He was helping to protect the citizens of the Empire against a storm of Dragons long time ago. Modi knew that is was now the time to act again as a wise and noble Lord like he did already before.....

---------------------- To be continued-------------------
@Toshiro. If only that were true. The bit about a hero bringing the evil doers to account and making them change their ways.
Perhaps i should regale you all with some stories of Modi's early days to better shed light on His Greatness.

Modi was having a leisurely stroll as he chanced across a man contemplating a marble block. The man turned to face Modi and immediately tried to convince Modi to pose for him.

Modi was apprehensive, as he was due to give Da Vinci a lesson on the basics of human anatomy and was not sure if he would make it if he was held up. But with all the goodness of his heart, Modi agreed, he could not deny the poor little man his tiny wish. Modi agreed, but under one condition, that the model was sculpted to only represent one-tenth of his actual greatness. The sculptor agreed happily, stating that had Modi demanded an exact likeness, no chisel and hammer, even if God himself did the work, could come close to matching it.

He worked for days and days, and finally, it was complete. Modi proceeded to turn back time for Da Vinci's lesson and initiated the Rennaisance by using Petrarch as a mouthpiece.

The statue survives even today, at one-tenths of Modi's greatness, it stands as a mortal tribute to male perfection. Perhaps you have heard of it, it goes by the name "David" and the man was some dude named Michelangelo.

Sorry, Modi, i know you are humble, but i saw them insolent and in need of further guidance of your greatness, so i took the liberty explaining why the world is indebted to you.
just i had one question
when this series of stupidity of modi will end !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i suggest u go make this story in creative work not here
08-20-10 05:14: Transferred 78 Gold to Modi : For the poor hobgoblin's family
Cleopatra VII? You may have read she committed suicide by allowing an asp to bite her. Well that story is not true and I am here to set the record straight.

When traveling through Egypt, Cleo heard I was in town and sent out her servants
to bring me to the palace. I ignored her because I was there to spoil the oracle at Dimal so she came out looking for me herself.

After much begging, I spent the night at the palace and as usual, left in the morning and never looked back. Devastated that I was gone, she took a couple posers for lovers(Julius Caesar and Mark Antony)but of course those guys could not compare to me.

A few years later I was invited to take a barge ride down the Nile with 50 beauties and I accepted. Hearing I was back in town, old Cleo waited on the shore for me to pass, wearing the most revealing outfit to get my attention.

She yelled out," Modi my love, come back to me!!!!" Always up for a bit of sport, I tossed a half-eaten melon at her and it struck her square in the face, much to the delight of the 50 women on board.

Despondent,desperate, and heartbroken, old Cleo dove in the Nile and swam behind the barge, trying to board us. I grabbed an oar and pushed her under the water a few times until she surfaced no more. It was all for the best because she would never know happiness again with me refusing her.

So they made up that wild story about the asp so she could save face. Whatever.

Stay thirsty my friends
You again? You really need to get a life and not sit around all day thinking about me. It's really pathetic.

Stay thirsty my friends
geez he dont even likes him self *rolls eyes*
i wish i just could be 10% off the man he is

all hail Modi our great leader
@ azabukinie: he doesnt even like himself.....

We all know here that you love Modi...but we will keep this for ourselfs on this server...nobody else will know about it :)

what happened to ur keyboard? Did u broke the ., keys?
i just hope i would have english skill good as modi has and i could write crap like this too:p

Dont lie to yourself man,you only want to express Modis greatness which cannot be expressed in any kind of words.

Modi knows about your this,so he understands your illusion,he will be happy with a bow ;)
i know one modi who is cleaning my shoes and my house. i suprised him to write to this topic. i beated him and said if this happens again on work you are fired. he thanked from mercy that i had shown him and promised to stay off from here i see he didn't keep his promise so modi if i you read this you are FIRED!!!!!!! and salary... bottles are in front of gate,clean it up before you leave btw.
hmm whos modi never heard of him
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