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AuthorArtifacts not working
I don't know if this is just me, but sometimes artifacts aren't working at all.

Take this battle for instance:


I was equipped with Reprisal sword, Defender shield, and amulet of luck. That means I should've gotten 48 damage for magic punch, +3 defence and some luck. but luck befalls didn't even happen once, my magic punch only delivered the usual 24 damage (and the other player was not wearing any kind of shield or armour, I checked) and my troops took damage as usual. I'd dismiss this as an isolated incident, but it's happened at least once before.

What's going on?
I was equipped with Reprisal sword, Defender shield, and amulet of luck. That means I should've gotten 48 damage for magic punch
No! it still 24 damage
elemental dmg and physical dmg are different :\

You need to read that.
The Wizard characters also have an increase to the damage they deal with spells to neutral creatures at hunt and on Mercenaries' Guild

so the spell damage will be:
20+4*1 = 24 (for pvp)
24*(2+2)/2 = 48 (for neutral creatures)

and 1 luck means your troop have around 10% to do a lucky hit.
I didn't know that PvP thing.

But then, my total attack was 4 (2 Normal + 2 from sword) so attack should still have been 20+4*2=28. Why 24?
The artifacts don't influence you. They influence your troops (except knowledge and spellpower which raises your mana and makes you hit higher with your spells respectively).

You need to read that.
• Attack
Influences the damage of your character and all your armies.

He might be confused with this.
The damage mentioned above is damage done when you attack with hero, not when casting spells. Damage of spells depend on your spell power.To see how it affects- https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=31
my total attack was 4 (2 Normal + 2 from sword) so attack should still have been 20+4*2=28. Why 24?

That's not how the "attack" parameter affects your damage. This is how your army damage is calculated:

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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