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AuthorLocal Rules
0. Renting in this Forum branch does not occur automatically. Every deal is discussed in private mail, then transfers are made manually by both parties of the deal.
To ensure legal trading, please familiarize yourself with general game rules: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5
Note that secondary characters are not allowed to lease/rent items to/from other players.

1. This forum branch is designated for item leasing transactions only. The first post of each thread must list full information about leased items.

2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Transaction type][Item][Mod][Rent period or Price]

[Transaction type] - compulsory for indicating, either [Lease] or [Rent] only. [Transaction type] - compulsory for indicating, either [Lease] or [Rent] only. Use [Lease] if you want others to rent your artifacts. Use [Rent] if you want to rent another player's artifacts.
[Item] - compulsory for indicating. If there are multiple items to trade, it is required to type [Various artifacts] or other relevant batch item description. It is forbidden to list multiple item names in [Item] parameter.
[Mod] - compulsory parameter in case if the item is enchanted. In case of multiple enchanted items being subject of trade, it is only indicated if all items have exact same mods. In all other cases mod descriptions are given in the thread.
Enchantment codes are used to indicate mods. Details: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39
[Rent period or price] - compulsory parameter. When renting, it is recommended to indicate the amount of combats you wish to rent the item for. If multiple items are subject of trade, this parameter is indicated for each item separately inside the thread.
For official sets, this parameter is given for the batch of items, not for every one item of the set. Details about batch renting must by all means be listed in the thread name.
The thread must list only price for 1 combat, not cumulative nor discount system one. If the rent price depends on the optional package preferred by the Renter, the price may be indicated as a range using the dash "-". In cases when the items are leased not per combat, but for example for full durability, it is possible to list the minimal combat number and rent price for all those combats (c.f. examples).

It is strictly forbidden to mark the thread with special characters, punctuation signs (except "[", "]", "/", "-" to list intervals), spaces and full caps. Details of intended transaction must be listed in the thread, not in the header. Listing any other features than directed by the standard is forbidden.

Examples of correct thread headers:
[Lease][Beastbane Spear][E8A4W5][2kg/combat]
[Lease][GH set][2,5-3k gold/combat]
[Lease][Sword of Might][15000/80 combats]
[Rent][Mithril longsword][E5-10A5-10W0-10F0-10][2 weeks]
[Rent][Thief set][1 combat]

2.1. Threads not meeting the standard will be locked. In case of multiple relapses, players guilty of violation of these rules will receive preventive bans.

2.2. It is forbidden to use words and expressions such as "best", "cheapest", "one in the whole server" etc, even if it is true at the moment of creating the thread.

3. More than two topics of one TS in the first branch page is forbidden. Bumping the third thread will lead to banning the person responsible for the bump.

3.1. It is forbidden to create threads that duplicate other threads, both locked and open, in the first page of the forum branch.

3.2. Bumping any thread is allowed as often as once per hour. More frequent bumping will lead to bans of people guilty of violation.

4. If there is a mistake and you wish to delete the thread, contact any active member of the Forum moderator clan. (https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7010)
It is forbidden to request deletion in the thread itself.

5. If the objective of the thread is achieved, or the thread loses its topicality, it is recommended to write about it in the thread and lock it. There is no need to contact a moderator requesting a deletion.

6. It is forbidden to organize auctions in the branch. Market serves for this purpose (https://www.lordswm.com/auction.php).
Auction by definition is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering/accepting bids and choosing the highest/lowest bidder. Threads containing offers for sale without prices and/or offering buyers to contact sellers for details; as well as threads without price offers for purchase and/or offering sellers to contact them with offers instead are not allowed in trade forums.

7. It is forbidden to advertise one's own items/services in other players' threads.
closed by Arctic (2010-12-01 15:00:26)
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